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Hello Kittens!

I hope you enjoy! <3


This chapter contains: Mentions of suicide & bullying.

If any of you are uncomfortable or triggered by the mention any of these leave the story now


Katsuki made his way to Aldera. It had been a week since... As he entered through the school gates he could hear people joking and laughing like it was any other school day, and it was, nothing had changed.

"Hey! Katsuki!" one of his lackeys called out.

Katsuki scowled, "What do you want Fingers?"

"So you definitely hear about Midoriya, right?" The one with wings said, what was his name? Tsubasa or something.

Katsuki's scowl deepened, "Don't bring up that useless freak!" You don't believe that and you know it. " 'S not like it's MY fault he's not here anymore." It is your fault and you know it. Its everyone who had failed him's fault, but you are one of the ones most in the wrong.

Katsuki shook his head. His subconscious kept yelling at him ever since he found out about what happened to De-Izuku. "Tch, just let me go to class you damn extras!" He yelled as he shoved his way through the two of them.

When Katsuki walked into the room he saw a bunch of vases with flowers on Deku's desk. He scowled at them. 'Tch, why would anyone leave flowers for that useless idiot." Don't lie to yourself, you want to leave flowers too.


Katsuki was walking home. He didn't want to go home though, ever since Deku... His hag had been home trying to distract herself, considering her job wouldn't let her come back yet. Anything from cooking random dishes she saw on the internet to trying to talk to Katsuki about his 'feelings'.

'Shes so fucking annoying.' You appreciate her and you know you do. Katsuki scowled, 'SHUT UP! God I'm fucking going insane!'

Suddenly a sent filled his nose, he looked next to him to see a flower shop. Before he realized what he was doing he went inside. 'What the fuck am I even doing?' You know exactly what you're doing.

He looked around a little. Three flowers caught his eye, Snowdrops, Hyacinths and Lilys. 'Hope, Regret, and Purity.' His mind supplied. Snowdrops were also Izuku's favorite. You remembered that too, didn't you? Katsuki ignored his subconscious.

"Hello, Are you ready to check out?" The store clerk asked.

Katsuki sighed, "...Yeah."


After Katsuki got the flowers, he made his way to DeIzuku's grave. When he got there anger filled him. His grave had already been disgraced, it had spray paint all over it saying things like 'No one cares your gone', 'Good riddance', 'Bet you taste awful to the worms'

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Katsuki yelled. He set the flowers that he had bought next to the grave and went to go get a bucket to clean off the headstone.

'If this had already fucking happened once its gonna happen again...looks like I'm fucking coming back eveyday to make sure it doesn't.' He thought to himself Yeah, that's why you're gonna come back everyday.


Izuku came back to his grave after watching Auntie Mitsuki all day to make sure she was ok. He couldn't really do anything as a ghost, but he could try right?

He stopped at the sight in front of him. Kacchan was just finishing up cleaning off all of the paint on his grave. It was then he noticed the flowers next to his grave as well.

"Snowdrops..." He said to himself, not like anyone could hear him anyway.

He placed a hand on Katsuki's back and watched him shutter. "What the fuck." Katsuki muttered before shaking his head and continuing his cleaning.

He smiled, "Thank you Kacchan."

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