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Hello, Kittens!

I no longer have an updated schedule. I update whatever I want when I want.

Enjoy the chapter 

Leave comments and feedback they make my day <3


Some times during the night Izuku will go to his grave and just sit, while looking at the sky. Occasionally he'll start humming a small tune without noticing. Well, he never noticed until he unintentionally creeped someone out.

In the last two years of being a ghost, Izuku has learned that he can do very, very minor things. He can move certain objects like toys, but it's draining. A small toy car that a toddler can lift with ease Izuku can barely push.

His voice was also something that could be heard on occasion. His humming and laughter, in particular, can be heard faintly at times.

Izuku tries not to do those things though because of Kacchan. Kacchan had always been afraid of the paranormal and anything related to it so Izuku moving things or humming would drive him crazy with fear. Izuku didn't want that. He just wants Kacchan to be happy.

Kacchan has been a lot happier ever since Izuku died. Yes at first he was sad and looked regretful all the time, but over time that faded. Just like Izuku expected it too. Kacchan still visits his grave and brings flowers almost every day, but other than that Kacchan hasn't done anything to remember Izuku by.

And that's ok.

That's what Izuku expected.

That's what he wanted.

Izuku felt and still feels like he isn't worth remembering. I mean why would anyone want to remember him? He never did anything. He was just a nuisance that got in the way.

Izuku shook his head. He had zoned out and now noticed the sun was coming up. Kacchan would be getting ready to start at UA today and Izuku wasn't going to miss seeing Kacchan finally start his journey to being number one.


"Get your feet off the desk! It is very disrespectful to those who made it and those who will use it in the future-" Glasses yelled, before Katsuki cut him off.

"Who put a stick up your ass?" He snarled, "On second thought you were probably born with it. Now go sit your ass down, you damn extra, not like I'll listen to your bull shit anyway."

Kirishima shook his head, while Shinsou let out a low whistle and a grin as he got Glasse's attention, "Listen, buddy. Katsuki isn't going to listen to you no matter how much you yell at him so you might as well give it up."

The blue-haired boy opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off, "If you're only here to make friends then leave." Said a tired-looking man carrying a blindly yellow sleeping back, "IIt took you all 8seconds to quiet down and 10 to get in your seats. Very irrational" He continued, "Go put these on and meet me in the field outside." He said, pulling a stack of gym uniforms from behind his podium.


Aizawa surveyed the students before picking one out at random, "Bakugou. How far was your farthest throw in middle school?"

"Sixty-five meters." He answered.

Aizawa nodded and tossed him the ball, "Go stand in the circle and throw the ball as hard as you can using your quirk." He said while pulling out a device.

Katsuki walked into the circle and pulled his arm back before he threw the ball an explosion going off immediately after he let go, propelling the ball to a farther distance.

"This is going to be a test of your abilities." Aizawa said before turning the device showing Bakugou's score of 705.2m, "The current education system isn't rational because it measures you all based on only your physical capabilities." He said.

"And for some of you that's just fine, but for others, they need to be measured in other ways." He continued, "You all are going to try your hardest on these tests and if I deem you to have no potential I will expel you." He continued. The class immediately dissolved into cries of protest.

"That's not fair!" Someone yelled out.

Aizawa opened his mouth to retort, but was cut off, "If you think anything about being a hero is fair then you need to go the fuck home!" Bakugou yelled from his spot, still in the circle.

"Life isn't fucking fair and if you're going to cry and complain, then why are you even trying to become a hero! People are born on uneven playing fields making life unfair from the day that we are born!" He continued, "All of us are lucky to fucking even have the chance at being in this hero course! Do you know how many people took those entrance exams and didn't get in?"

"Over three hundred people!" He shouted, "And there's even more than never even got the chance to take the exam!" He shouted, voice cracking a bit on the word 'chance', "So don't you dare say that this is unfair! Life is unfair! That's the whole reason villains exist! It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness!"

"So are you going to fucking continue to whine and cry and complain, or are you going to fucking be a hero and give this you're all so you don't fucking get sent home?" He concluded.

The class was stunned, but Aizawa was impressed, 'This kid...' He thought, "Bakugou is right. So I suggest you take what he said to heart and go plus ultra."

The kids all nodded or yelled out yeses. New determination in their eyes, "The first test you'll be doing is the 50-meter dash. First up is Aoyama and Kirishima."


Izuku was shocked that Kacchan just encouraged his classmates, "What. The. Hell." Izuku whispered out.

Izuku shook his head and watched as the class went through the exercises. He saw a grape looking kid trying to touch one of the girls.

"I think the fuck not!" Izuku hissed as he flew over to him and grabbed him, another thing Izuku learned to do was a sort of possession. He could influence someone's thoughts or movements, but it was a very minor thing. When Izuku grabbed the kid it made him fall and shiver.

"The hell? There's no wind out here, why is it so cold?" He mumbled.

The girl he was trying to touch noticed him and moved away. Leaving the kid glaring at the ground and Izuku with a smug expression on his face.

"Serves you right you nasty grape." Izuku said, a smug smile still proudly on his face.

"Nice one kid." Izuku jumped at the familiar voice.

"Jesus Christ! Nana, please stop scaring me like that." He said clutching his nonexistent heart.

Nana chuckled, "Sorry kid, but you did good making the little shit fall over and get caught." she said.

"Thanks, but why and how are you here?" Izuku asked.

Nana smiled slightly, "Toshi is teaching here, so I figured that I'd come say hi to you."

Izuku smiled at her, "Thanks. I appreciate it"

"No problem kid. Now I've gotta get back to my dumbass blond, good luck with yours!" She said before flying to one of the classrooms on the top floor.

"I'll see you later Nana! Good luck with Toshinori!" Izuku called after her.

Izuku turned his attention back to the class and continued to watch the tests. And if he kept sabotaging a certain nasty grape, well that's no one's business except his.

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