See Me

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Hello, Kittens!

School is a pain in the ass, but I'm gonna try to get chapters out at least once a month.

Thank you for your patience! Enjoy the chapter! Leave comments and feedback!

(I still need to do the Q&A for this fic as well as some others I'll so that soon)


Katsuki's life for the most part was going great. He confessed to Ejiro and his feelings were returned, they started dating about a month ago.

Katsuki still visits Izuku's grave every day. Ejiro had asked about where he goes every day after school, it's not that he doesn't trust Ejiro it's just.. Katsuki isn't fully ready to talk about Izuku to him yet.

Ejiro would most likely be sympathetic, but Katsuki doesn't want sympathy at least not for himself.

This whole situation is a sensitive topic, I mean, how do you tell your boyfriend your childhood best friend & first crush killed themself because you and your group of friends bullied him to that point?

There's no way to say that without Katsuki being seen as a terrible person. He's not like that anymore, but that doesn't change the fact that's how he was for a majority of his life at this point.

But Katsuki isn't going to keep this from Ejiro. That's why he decided that tomorrow he's going to invite him to come with him so he can fully explain.

Hopefully, he doesn't get broken up with over this. Even if he does though, he probably deserves it.


Katsuki packed up his things as classes ended for the day. He said his goodbyes to all of his classmates and wished Momo good luck on her date with Awase from class 1-B.

Ejiro stood by the door, that stupid, cute, sharp-toothed smile gracing his face, "So, you said you were gonna gom where you disappear to every day?"

Katsuki nodded, a somber smile on his face, "Yeah.. We should get going. The shop that I go to has my order ready by now."

Ejiro raised a brow at that, "Do you go and get food or something after school?"

"Sometimes," Katsuki responded. He knew he was being vague about everything, but he wasn't sure how to go about this. If he wasn't vague then he would just basically be saying 'Yeah, we're going to go get flowers and then to the graveyard to visit my dead childhood friend turned victim'.

Yeah, no. That honestly sounds terrible and it would be even worse out loud.

The two of them chatted as they made their way to the flower shop. Ejiro gave Katsuki a curious look as they went inside, the shop owner smiled at Katsuki as they entered, "Snowdrops?" Asked sending a curious look to the redhead.

"Yeah." Katsuki replied. He dug his wallet out of his pocket, he's been coming here for years and knows the amount he needs by heart for every season, even so, he always leaves an extra ten dollars as a way to help out the small shop.

"Here you are." The florist said taking the money and handing Katsuki the bouquet of snowdrops.

"Thank you." Katsuki proceeded to grab Ejiro's hand and lead him out f the shop, the redhead very confused as to what just happened, "I always stop here first and get these flowers before going to.." Katsuki trailed off. He still didn't want to tell Ejiro that they were going to his dead friend's grave.

"Katsu.. Where are we going exactly? You've been avoiding telling me this whole time and its kinda freaking me out." Kirishima admitted.

Katsuki let out a small sigh as he continued to lead them in the direction of the cemetery, "We're going to visit an old friend of mine.."


Izuku had decided to not follow Kacchan around today. To be honest, even though he liked Kirishima he also kinda freaked him out. Normally people would walk through him all the time, but Kirishima never did that, he always somehow avoided Izuku.. Maybe he was just sensitive to temperature and could feel Izuku's cold spot sooner than most people?

Izuku shook his head, but turned in the direction Kacchan normally comes from everyday. He heard two sets of footsteps this time so that worried him a little. The only time multiple people come to his grave is either on his birthday or his death day. Other than that it's always just Kacchan.

He saw Kacchan walking down the path with Kirishima.

"This is where we were going." Katsuki said, stopping at a grave covered in vines and flowers. It had remnants of spray paint of it as well. The name on the tombstone faded, but still legible.

"A grave?" Kirishima asked, sending Katsuki a confused look.

Izuku moved and perched himself on top of his tombstone making the vines growing up it sway slightly, but not enough to make it noticeable.

"Izuku Midoriya." Kiri readout Izuku's name from the tombstone.

"Yeah. He was my childhood best friend, but after I got my quirk I became really cruel to him.." Katsuki said, "Especially after he was announced quirkless. Everyone just.. Turned on him is the only way to put it."

"Everyone either bullied him or ignored his existence completely." He continued. Katsuki crouched down and set the flowers in the small stone vase connected to the grave, "One Day it got to him and he jumped off our school roof. He died on impact."

Katsuki got back up, holding back his tears, but that didn't stop his eyes from reddening, "I've been coming here every day to talk to him ever since he was buried. I'm becoming a hero for him because he was always told he never could. I'm not just living for myself, I'm living for him to." Katsuki couldn't hold back his tears anymore, but he didn't want to cry in front of his boyfriend, he hates crying in front of people, "Shit- I'll be right back." Katsuki said quickly as he ran towards the bathrooms so he could calm down.

Kirishima sadly looked after Katsuki as he ran, but quickly turned his attention onto Izuku, not his grave, Izuku , "I'm sorry all that happened to you.. No one deserves to be bullied for something like that to the point you take your own life.." He said, staring straight at Izuku.

Izuku stared back with wide, translucent emeralds, " YOU CAN SEE ME? "

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