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renebaebae good job my baby angel 💗💙 and congrats on your achievement, 'blUe' is very beautiful ☺️ @todayis_wendy

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renebaebae good job my baby angel 💗💙 and congrats on your achievement, 'blUe' is very beautiful ☺️ @todayis_wendy

photo by: @justinseagull


justinseagull i love intellectual people who credit me for the pics i took

namjune ^ at this point you can honestly become their fansite's masternim

namjune ^ can you take a photo of me and irene-noona as well?

justinseagull @namjune i tried several times, but somehow taehyung-hyung always appeared

todayis_wendy thanks unnie i love you 💙💙

renebaebae ^ sorry i couldn't come today because of shooting schedule 😔 but i watched the performance on tv, you did really well ☺️

sugadaddy noona what about me??

renebaebae ^ don't worry there will be others who praise you

sugadaddy @renebaebae but i want approval from my girlfriend's mom

renebaebae ^ sure, i'll text you mrs. son's number

sugadaddy @renebaebae that's not what i meant...but that works too, i guess?


[direct message from todayis_wendy]



actually, sunbae




i've been thinking about this for quite a while

can we like




lemme know when you want to

i'll pick you up



i'll text you after my interview 💙


yea, see you later hoobae


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