4: A Meeting

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Hey! That pic can't happen anymore. See you later!

Clary POV

Clary was happy. She had everything she could want in her life- a loving family, an amazing boyfriend, and many other things that some people dont have. Sje wished her real brother Jonathan was with them, but sadly he wasn't.

Jonathan POV

He would appear to Clary in a dream before as a ghost. He went into her sleeping mind, and the dream went like this: play format

J: Hey Clary


J: Well, it is me, not the demon infested version.

C: Why are you here?

J: I wanted to tell you, I am a ghost. I wanted to give you a heds-up before I visited you.

C: As a ghost!?

J: Yes

C: Jace can't know yet. Good thing we don't share dreams. Buhbye!

J: Goodbye, Clary.
Clary POV

"By the Angel, Jonathan! Can I guess I can't touch you?" Said Clary.

"Nothing can, and I can't touch anything either," said Jonathan the ghost.

"Okay, let me call Jace here"
Ring ring, phone call
Hello Clary.
Hey Jace, come to 385 Dunten Ave. I have someone I want you to meet.
End of call.
Jace POV

Jace grabbed a few daggers, a sreph blade and a stele. He quickly made his way to the adress Clary mentioned, and opened the door to the emty house. He saw Clary, and asked "Why am I meeting you here?"

"Look around. You will see," said Clary.

Then Jace noticed him. The vile boy who almost ruined Clary's life. Jace immidiately threw a dagger at him. "What the heck is Sebastian doing here, Clary? Why didn't my dagger kill him?" he asked.

"Well, its Jonathan, and he is a ghost. He can't hurt us, we can't hurt him. Look." Clary reached out and tried to touch him, but her hand passed right through.

"May I formally meet everyone else?" asked Jonathan.

"Of course, brother!" said Clary.

So I guess we are going back to the institute. "How will you get there?" I asked.

"Well, I'll just teleport there. So you two can leave."
At the institute
Unknown POV

To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. But everybody came to terms with it quickley. How, no one could comprehend.

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QOTD: Ice cream or cake? Tell me! Buhbye,

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