18: The New Alicante

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Hi!! So sorry, I've been really busy. I really suggest you check out Choco1ate and DauntlessHerondale4, if you havn't already. They have the best TMI stories I've ever read.

Clary POV

Speaking through Izzy was easier than I expected. I decided to walk to Alicante, and see what was different.

Walking past Lake Lyn, through the forest, and to the demon towers was quite a challenge. The forest especcially- I fell twice, and Downworlders came at me numerous times. It was dark by the time I was there. Walking up to the tower, a shadowhunter approached me, looking quizzical.

"Who are you?" he asked, sternly. I showed him my voyance rune, among others, and he let me in.

After walking through the streets for awhile, meeting no one, I reached the Institute. Outside the doors, I see a boy with golden hair. Or what would have been gold, if everything didn't seem so grey. He was talking to a girl- a short redhead- and I realized that these two were versions of Jace and I.

"Hey, uhm, can I talk to you two?" I said to them. The pair seemed startled, obviously not noticing me before.

"Sure. My name's Clary, and this is my boyfriend, Jace," she says.

"I know," I relpy, "I just so happen to be you, from annother dimention," I surprise myself for being so straightforward.

"Oh, wow. I guess thats why you look so grey, isn't it?" said Jace 2.0.

"Well, I suppose that would make sense. To me, this whole universe, no matter what I look at, will have a grey tinge," I replied.

Jace 2.0 (I'll just refer to them all as Nam,e now) looked pleased with himself. Of course he did, Jace's ego was the size of a tank, so we can only assume Jac,e's ego is, too.

Clar,y seemed more level-headed than Jac,e. "So, I'm guessing you don't have a way to get back?"

"No, I don't. No stele, no awsome trasportation device, just a rune to talk to my friends back home," I told her.

Clar,y looked upset at this, and I felt bad. "But if you transported yourself here, can't you just go back?" asked Jac,e.

"No. I drew weird runes, but lots of trial and error will get me there. The problem is, I have to come across a weak point in the dimentional seperation," I explianed, surprising myself once again. I didn't even know that...

I know I havn't updated in forever. I swear, I have a good reason. Anyway...

QOTU: Did I get the name of the lake right?


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