Dean x SMR

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Dean and Sam were in the bar after they finished another job. Dean sipped on his whiskey when he noticed a familiar face. Dean nudged Sam's side to get his attention and direct it to the right spot. Sam looked in the same direction his brother was looking and widened his eyes.

-Isn't that the guy who helped us with the mutant chupacabra last time we were here? - Sam asked.

-Yeah, Y/n was his name I guess. -nodded Dean.

Dean and Sam got up and walked up to their old aquitance. Y/n was a son of the judge and the local sherif. He met the Winchesters when Dean got arrested and Y/n helped him get out in return for the explanation of the events happening in the city. Dean and Sam included him in the investigation and soon they found the creature responsible for the trouble.

-Sam and Dean Winchester. - Y/n smiled once he saw them. - I never thought I will see you guys again.

-We had a case here. - answered Dean as they joined him at the table. - How come you didn't help us this time? We couldn't find you anywhere.

-I was hunting actually. - chuckled Y/n. - I was in Sacramento.

-You became a hunter? - Dean widened his eyes.

-Ocasionaly. - nodded Y/n. - When dad or mom don't engage me in their cases I hunt monsters.

-Nice hobby. - chuckled Sam.

-Right? - smiled Y/n.

They talked a bit about their lives and the stuff they were doing over the time they didn't see each other.Dean gave Y/n the coordinates to their bunker and told him to come over whenever he wanted.

Time skip

Y/n made use of the coordinates sooner than he thought. The demons destroyed the city he was living in and killed his parents. He had only one idea about where to go. He jumped in his car and drove to the bunker.

Sam and Dean took Y/n in and helped him slay the demon responsible for it. After the whole ordeal Y/n decided to stay with them, since he didn't have anywhere to go. None of the Winchesters complained about it. Even Castiel found Y/n's help a good sign from heavens.

-Doing better I see. - said Dean as he found Y/n in the library. Even since the accident with Y/n's parents he was more quiet and prefered being alone.

-Are you kidding? - chuckled Y/n without a trace of amusement in his voice. - I'm far from good, I have no one to live for.

-You'd be surprised how many times I felt like that in my life. - answered Dean sitting on the table.

-Does it get better?

-After some time. - nodded Dean. -Finding someone to share the problems with makes it a bit easier.

They sat like this in silence for awhile. Y/n got back to reading the book he was occupied with before Dean joined him. Dean on the other hand was trying to find a good way of confessing to him something that has been bugging his mind for awhile. The situation they were in wasn't helping.

-Y/n. - he said to get his attention.Y/n hummed to indicate he was listening, but he didn't take his gaze off of the book. Dean took a deep breath before he continued to speak. - What if I told you that you have someone to live for?

-What do you mean?

-Well, there's Cas, Sammy and me. - he said. - And I believe I care for you the most.

-Why would that be? - Y/n's eyes were still on the book.

-Beacuse I may have fallen for you. -said Dean. The moment these words left his mouth he felt the chill running down his spine. He feared this moment more than any of the demons he faced in his entire life.

-Interesting. - said Y/n and finally put the book away. He looked at Dean and saw the mix of different feelings in his eyes. There was no way he was laying. - Cause I loved you for so long too.

They both stood up immediately and slammed their lips together. They shared a passionate kiss until their lungs burned for air. Then they headed to Dean's room for the rest of the evening. The things that happened next resulted in Y/n really getting better and Dean having trouble with walking and sitting on the next day.

One shots vol. VI (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now