Viktor Nikiforov x SMR part 5

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The day of the Championship finally came. In order to make it to Grand Prix, Yuri had to win. The travel itself was a big deal for Yuri, he was shaking our of nervousness. Viktor and Y/n saw that and tried to calm him down a bit. That's when Viktor reassured himself that the idea of having Y/n close to them was a good decision. Yuri seemed to listen to Y/n.

-Yuri, I'm sure you will do great. – he repeated. – You worked so hard with Viktor.

-Yeah, exactly. –he answered. – What if I will let you both down with my performance...

-You will do perfectly well. – Y/n wrapped his arm around his brother's shoulders. – I'm here for you.

Yuri nodded at his brother and nuzzled his neck. Y/n kept him close, suddenly feeling tired. He closed his eyes and fell asleep slowly. He slept until Viktor shook him awake, cause it was time to get out of the plane.Y/n followed Viktor and Yuri, then they claimed their luggage, and took a cab to the hotel. They checked in went to their rooms. Viktor stayed with Y/n, while Yuri had a room of his own. Y/n figured out it would be good to let him have some quiet.

-Get some rest brother. – said Y/n and kissed Yuri's forehead before he followed Viktor to their room.

Time skip

On the next morning Viktor and Y/n put their suits on and combed their hear back, whileYuri put his outfit on. They met up on the corridor and went to the cab. In no time they were at the rink. Yuri put his skates on, butY/n could see he is far from calm again.

-Yuri. – said Y/n putting his hands on Yuri's shoulders. – Breathe. – he said. –You need to calm down.

-I-I-It's not that easy...- Yuri shuttered out.

-Yuri. – Y/n rested his forehead against Yuri's. – Look in my eyes. I'm herewith you, I know how hard you worked to win and I believe in you.You'll kick everyone's asses, I'm sure of that. Now suck it up and be the most appetitive pork cutlet bowl as possible. –chuckled Y/n and hugged his brother one last time before Yuri has to get on the ice.

Viktor and Y/n stood next to each other, watching Yuri. The music finally started and Yuri started moving to Eros. Viktor whistled when Yuri gave them a glance.Y/n surely could motivate his brother. Yuri continued with the program, focused on doing the jumps properly. Y/n could see that Yuri was tensed, too worried that he would fall. But so far he was doing good.

-Not bad. – said Y/n after the jumps from the first part.

-You're his talisman. – chuckled Viktor and right on that moment Yuri slipped and hit his head making Y/n huff.

Nonetheless he managed to finish the program. Viktor opened his arms for Yuri, not caring about the blood coming out of Yuri's nose. Yuri skated to him and right before he fell in Viktor's arms he stepped to the side.

-Watch out for blood. – he said, while Y/n picked his brother up. Then it was a time to go to Kiss or Cry. The trio sat down on the bench with Yuri between them and waited for the score.

-Yuri Katsuki scores 94,36 points which is his new life record! – said the commentator making them cheer in happiness and hug each other.

-See? – smirked Y/n. – Told you that you will make it.

After the decoration of the first three places it was time to go back to the hotel. On their way there Y/n realized he was hungry, so he dragged Viktor and Yuri to the restaurant nearby. They had some delicious food. Then Viktor figured out it was a good moment to celebrate a bit and hadsome drinks with Y/n, while Yuri had only juice. After all the active athlete couldn't drink alcohol, that was Viktor's rule. When Yuri saw his brother and coach got a bit too tipsy, he dragged them back to the hotel. Once he managed to get them to their room, he threw them on their bed and left to his room. It was a very eventful day for Yuri. Next stop – Cup of China in Beijing.

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