Kise x SMR

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Kise and his boyfriend were having a movie night at their shared house. They picked few different genres of movies and started watching. Kise laughed his ass off during the comedy, cried a bit when the drama was on and shook in fear when they were watching a horror. Y/n on the other hand fell asleep when they were watching the drama and almost slept through the horror. He just woke up when Kise was screaming of hiding in Y/n's chest.

-Y/n. - whined Kise. - You're sleeping all the time.

-I'm sorry babe, I had a busy day at work. - answered Y/n.

-Why didn't you tell me? - pouted Kise.- We'd go to sleep and watch movies some other time.

-I wanted to spent some time with you love. - muttered Y/n nuzzling Kise's neck.

Kise wrapped his arms around Y/n's neck and pulled him closer. Y/n's hard work was motivating Kise to work harder as a model. If he made enough money, Y/n could quit his terrible job at the warehouse. Kise turned the TV off and dragged Y/n to bed. He was opposing at first but he gave up when Kise kissed him, shutting him up. They chnged to bed and slipped under the covers.

-Sleep babe. - said Kise kissing Y/n's nose.

Time skip

In the morning Y/n woke up still snuggled up to Kise's chest. Kise had his arms wrapped tightly around Y/n. He smiled at that and squeezed Kise in his arms. Today was Saturday, so Y/n could stay in bed for longer.

Few minutes later Kise started waking up. He nuzzled Y/n's neck and smiled. Kise kissed Y/n's cheek and looked at him.

-How did you sleep? - asked Ryota with a small smile on his face.

-Not bad. - smiled Y/n. - The view when I woke up wasn't bad at all either.

-I'm glad to hear that. - smiled Kise.

Kise and Y/n shared few kisses and hugs in the bed. Y/n felt hungry but at the same time he didn't want to get up from be warm bed with his handsome lover. The feeling of Ryota's lips planting kisses on his face, shoulders and chest was putting him at ease. But kissing Y/n's neck was not an option. Kise knew that if he did that, here was no escape from Y/n. They would be fucking immediately.

-Aren't you hungry? - asked Kise.

-A bit. - answered Y/n.

-Let's go out for breakfast. - proposed Rota playing with Y/n's hair gently.

Y/n thought about it for a second, then he nodded his head. They took a slow shower togehter, got dressed up and went out. They were driving around the city in Kise's cabrio before they decided on where they wanted to eat. Kise pulled up to the parking lot. They went inside, took the empty table and made the order. They waited for their food and made a small talk. They didn't mind when the silence appeared between them. It was a comfortable kind of silence when they just stared in each other's eyes.

-Damn, you two are so sappy. - their moment was broken by Aomine's voice.

-Aomine. Satsuki. - said Y/n as they joined them at the table.

-They are cute together Dai-chan. -said Satsuki. - How are you two doing?

-We were having a romantic breakfast together but Aomine-chchi destroyed it. - pouted Kise, making Y/n chuckle at his cuteness.

-Apart from that we are okay. - added Y/n smiling lightly and looking fondly at Ryota.

The four friends had the breakfast together, then Kise and Aomine wanted to play basketball, so they all went to the court in the park. Satsuki and Y/n sat down on the side of the court while Kise and Aomine played against each other.

-Seems like you and Kise-chan are really close. - she said.

-I'm crazy for him. - smiled Y/n. - I'm still shocked how the cutie like him fell in love with an asshole like me. You know how I was back in school.

-I remember. - chuckled Satsuki. - You had a lot's of fangirls though. Who wouldn't want the dark, almost mute badass you used to be?

-That's my badass. - said Kise and wrapped his arms around Y/n.

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