Secretary!Vergil x Boss!SMR

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Y/n leaned back in his office chair. He was an owner of the international company, so there was a lot of things on his shoulders. He huffed and closed his eyes for a a second, before he heard his phone ring again. He groaned loudly, seeing that it was one of the internal numbers, sinaling that there was something that needed his attention.

-Yes? - he askd not pleased that someone interrupted his little break.

-The new applicant is here. - said Mary, or Lady as her nickname was, his secretary.

-Let him in. - answered Y/n rolling his eyes.

Of course the applicant had a perfect timing, just enough to ruin his attempt to chatch his breath. Y/n adjusted his tie and sat up properly, to look as presentable as he could. After all he represented the company, so he had to be perfect to everyone from outside. His employees knew though that he was just like them, sometimes feeling goofy, some other time being stressed and fatigued. That's why many of them sympathized with him a lot.

The door opened after few seconds. Y/n put his stern look on and waited for the applicant to walk in. Y/n opened his application on his laptop and quiclky read it again. Then he turned his attention to his potential new assistant. The man was slightly shorter than Y/n, had a white hair and blue eyes that matched his suit. Y/n stood up, shook his hand and asked him to take the seat.

-Coffee? - asked Y/n.

-No, thank you. - answered Vergil. Y/n felt chills rolling down his spine at the shound of this man's voice. Even if he didn't get a job it would be nice to try to go out with him.

-Then let's go straight to the point. -said Y/n. - Mr. Sparda, in your application you wrote that you worked at C/n, which is a direct competitor against my company. Why did your adventure with them finished?

-I was the finantial manager there.There was few new employees that I didn't get along with. Most importantly there was no way for a promotion there.

-You seem to be very ambitious. -nodded Y/n. - As my assistant there is a low chance for the promotionas well.

-Working as your assistant is a promotion itslef. - answered Vergil. - I will be helping the most important person in here. That motivates me enough.

Y/n nodded at Vergil's response, pleased with the fact that he was important to his competitors. He could get to know them from the inside and use that knowledge against them. The other fact that picked Y/n interest was Vergil's attitude.

-I think I've heard enough. - said Y/n standing up again. - Welcome on board.

Time skip

Vergil didn't have much duties. It was surprising how Y/n was not used to having someone to help him. He always kept repeating that if you want something to be done properly, you have to take care of it yourself. Vergil was wondering how is that possible that this man didn't work himslef to death yet. On the other hand, maybe that's why he was such a powerful and respected man.

-I brought the reports from the financial department. - said Vergil, handing the documents to his boss.

-Take a look at it for me and tell me if it's positive. - answered Y/n not tearing his eyes off of the computer's screen.

-I'd say it's briliant. - Vergil spoke up after reading the report quickly. - Income increase by 10 percent.

-Either the finantials made the mistake or sales department should get a nice bonus money with next paycheck. Check for the mistakes, I can't do it now.

Vergil sat down at his desk and started reading the report again, trying to find some miscalculations. Once he didn't find any he looked at Y/n, quickly typing on the keyboard. He was preparing the new prices for their key client, and he always refused to let someone do it. Y/n had to be sure it was perfect. Vergil stood up and put the documents on Y/n's desk.

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