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"Did you hear?" Harry had asked, sitting next to the dark-haired girl. She looked up from the paperwork that was sitting in her lap. She had decided to sit this mission out, working on sorting out the list of their inventory and making a list of things that they were going to be needing. She didn't love administration work, but sometimes it worked out best for her. Lorna had sworn to her that the three of them would have been fine by themselves, and Taylor knew that if anyone could handle this mission, it would be them.

"Hear what, Harry?" She asked, eyes glancing back down to the paperwork. She really wasn't complaining about this. It wasn't a glamorous job, but it was one that was needed.

"Lorna was arrested tonight." Harry said, grabbing her attention away from the paperwork. She looked at him, eyes wide in surprise. Lorna wasn't really the kind that went down without a fight.

"Shit." She said, her mind flashing to Marcos. She was a lot closer to Lorna then she was to Marcos, but she still always had his back. She knew how hard this must have been for him, to lose Lorna like this. Her mind flashed elsewhere for a moment, but she cleared those thoughts almost as quickly as they had appeared. That was a dangerous path that she knew better than to try going down again. "I thought the plan was just to get that girl who escaped from the mutant detention facility."

"Yeah, I guess something went wrong. John and Marcos will probably be here any minute." Harry said, as Taylor let out a breath. "Sage picked it up on the scanners a few minutes ago."

"Shit." She repeated, wondering how this had happened and what would happen next. Lorna was one of the leaders, and important to many of the people who resided in and trusted the Underground. Taylor had personal reasons for wanting Lorna back, because they were friends. Not that it mattered, because Taylor hated the thought of anyone locked up simply for their genes. "I should go meet Marcos when they come in and make sure he is okay." The look Harry gave her made it clear that he knew there was more to her statement. Harry knew her well, but she wasn't about to start diving back into the past tonight. There were more important things to worry about now.

Standing up, she grabbed the papers before turning to look back at Harry. He reached for her free hand, giving it a squeeze before nodding in understanding. She nodded back to him, before heading towards the front of headquarters, looking to see if they had returned yet. She saw Sage and Shatter sitting near the front, in an area they often used when they brought in new refuges. She handed Sage the paperwork, knowing that soon her hands would be full of interviewing the girl, discussing the process and next steps. While Taylor was okay with helping check people in, tonight she had no interest in that. There were other things on her mind. She was already kicking herself for sitting this mission out, despite Lorna's assurance they would be okay without her.

Clearly, that wasn't the case.

The door opened and a girl with purple hair and wide green eyes entered, and John was holding up Marcos right behind her. She could see the light spilling from his arm, knowing that was his blood.

"What the hell happened?" She asked, rushing over to them, watching Marcos grip at his arm. She hoped it wasn't serious. It was late and probably unlikely to get a doctor in at this time of night and none of the mutant friendly clinics would be open.

"He got shot." John simply stated, looking at her for a moment. "Can you help me patch him up? We can explain then." She nodded at him, walking behind them as John carried Marcos into another room. Walking past the girl, Taylor looked at her and was thankful that at least they were able to get her to safety.

"You okay?" Taylor asked Marcos, as John helped him up on the table, taking his jacket off to get a better look at his wound.

"I'm fine, Taylor." He assured her as John quickly grabbed the silver bandages meant for Marcos and wrapped it over the wound a couple times.

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