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As soon as Clarice collapsed into the arms of Marcos, Taylor had rushed over to her side. She wasn't a doctor in any means, but she had picked up enough basic first aid along the way between her time in Atlanta and Marietta. Getting a doctor was hard sometimes, and so she learned the very basic stuff to help patch someone up the best she could. One look at Clarice, and she knew a band-aid and some painkillers weren't going to cut it here.

"Clarice?" She questioned, pushing some hair out of the girl's face to get a better look at her. Taylor could hear the screaming from the teenagers around them but had to focus on drowning that noise out. As soon as they were able to ensure Clarice would be okay, then she could start answering questions and figuring out what to do next.

"Where's my dad?" The blonde teenager questioned.

"We know as much as you do." Marcos said, locking eyes with Taylor for a moment before looking back at Clarice, using his arm to help hold her head up some.

"Hang in there, Clarice." Taylor added in looking down at the girl.

"What just happened where are we?"

"Where is my dad?"

"This is our headquarters." Taylor heard John speak. She knew the family was upset, and while it was understandable the parade of questions was getting them nowhere.

"We need to go back."

"We can't go back." Taylor spoke up, looking away from Clarice for a moment. "I'm sorry, but we can't."

"Hang on." John tried adding in but was cut off by the older woman.

"Hang on? My husband is in that warehouse. We can't just leave him there."

"We have to go back for him."

"John, we need to do something with Clarice. She doesn't look good." Taylor spoke above the others, knowing that while they still may have had their questions and concerns, there were important matters they had to deal with as well. Marcos wrapped Clarice's arm around his neck, helping her up. Taylor grabbed Clarice's other arm, mimicking Marcos motion as they helped her stand up.

"He was shot. We have to go back, please."

"Even if we could get back, it is a very bad idea." John explained to the family. "I know you want to help your dad, but that is suicide. It's not going to help him if we all get killed."

"John!" Taylor called out. She knew the family was upset, and while she didn't mean to just brush their emotions off, the state of Clarice had her worried. This was a girl they had just rescued and now were supposed to be helping, and clearly something was wrong with her after she had tried to help them.

"I know." He said, sighing before looking back at the family. "Right now, we need to take care of Clarice." He motioned for Taylor and Marcos to follow him and holding on to Clarice they had started to move her with the family following behind.

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