The Beatles are irrelevant.

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Amy's pov

I took my water and walked to the lounge room taking a seat.

I picked up the Remote. The first channel.
The Beatles touring in Australia!

I rolled my eyes and flicked to the next channel.
The Beatles landed in Australia last night!

I scrunched my nose and flicked to the next channel.
Paul George Ringo John the fab four are going down under!

I was at this point to annoyed to flick to the next channel.

After watching the channel my sister ran in.
"Did I hear something about the Beatles?!"
I got up and handed her the Remote.

"See for yourself..."
I got my glass and walked to my room.

I was an average 20 year old still sadly living with her mum. I live in Australia. It's a very interesting hot place. But now apparently all Australia is worrying about is "the Beatles" touring here.

Im not exactly into them. Never really liked pommys to be honest.

Just for a little imagery, I'm a semi tall blonde haired blue eyed girl. My family is quite interesting. My mother was a model in England when she was my age.

My dad sadly passed when I was 5, my sister Lucy is 16, she's all about the Beatles.

All she ever talks about is "oh paul has such pretty eyebrows! Oh my oh my!"
I mimicked holding my brush to my mouth like a microphone.

I smiled at myself. I looked at my clock realising the time.

"Oh shit!"
I ran to my bathroom quickly getting dressed.
It was already 9pm. I needed to get to the pub in 12 minutes!

My boyfriend Tom you see wanted to take me out. We haven't been going so well lately, so I want to look amazing for him.

I slipped into a short black dress, it was a bit tight but I loved the way it hugged my curves.

It was sleeveless so I wore a strapless bra to make it look better.

I put on my silver necklace my dad got me for my 2 birthday for me to wear when I turned 18.

I added a little bit of make up and put some black heels on.

I straightened my hair and ran to the door.
"Woah Amy... You look... Inappropriate! I'm going to tell mum!"
My sister yelled.

I didn't even bother I ran out the door.
I Only had to walk a block or so.

I checked my small wrist watch.

I was 30 minutes late. I'm getting my hopes up I thought. He probably thinks I've stood him up.

I walked faster when I thought that.
It wasnt to cold, a bit warm if you ask me.

I saw the light of the bars sign.
"Oh please Tom, please please be there."
I mumbled to myself.

Tom was my one way ticket out of my mum's house, we are talking about me moving in with him.

I walked in the bar being welcomed with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes.

I coughed slightly. The air was smoky and it was very dark.

Music played lightly in the background it brought back a memory of how I first met tom.

Amy's pov
Karrie my best friend made me come a long with her to this bar she recommends. I honestly didn't want to be around alcohol all that much.

As we walked in I already regretted letting Karrie convince me to come here.

"Come on Amy it's not that bad!"
Karrie had to tell over the noise.

"No it really is just great!"
I said sarcastically.

I scanned over the bar, my eyes stopping on a particular guy. This guy just happened to be staring right at me.

I smiled and looked down. He had brown hair and there were freckles scattered over his cheeks and nose. He looked cute I thought.

He did look like a bit of a teddy boy though, I didn't mind I thought they were hot.

I mustered up the courage to go over to him.
I slowly walked over to him leaving Karrie behind.

He smiled at me.
He yelled over the crowd.
"What's your name?"
His Australian accent rang through my ears.
"I'm Amy! And you?"
He smiled.
"I'm tom! Amy I like that name."
"Why thanks I! Tom isn't to bad either,"
I already liked him.

I  really like him.
Flashback over

I scanned across the bar once again smiling when I saw tom. But my smile soon fadded when I saw some other girl slide across the booth next to him.

He smiled at her and she kissed him.
My heart crumbled up into a million pieces.

My mouth hit the floor.
I watched as he stared into her eyes, just as he did to me all those years ago.

I felt like my whole life just had a piece of it destroyed.
"Fuck this."
I stormed over grabbing a drink off one of the trays a lady was carrying offering to people.

He saw me coming and froze.
I spilt the alcohol all over him.
I looked at the girl.
"Oh hey I don't think we've met I'm toms girlfr- sorry he's my ex boyfriend. Have a nice life you deserve it."

Tom looked up to me.
"Wait Amy! I'm sorry I l-"
I turned around.
"No you don't. You never did! You fuckin lying prick! Is this the first girl you've cheated on me with Tom?"
He stayed silent.

"That's what I thought."
I stormed out.

As soon as I was away from people, I let out a loud scream. I cried and cried, as I got lost in the streets of Brisbane.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

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