She loves you

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Amy's pov
I shot up gasping for air holding my neck, I had a fit of coughing.
"Amy? Amy! You ok?"
John ran to my side.

I couldn't breathe, I was choking.
"Your neck?"
John asked.

I was clawing at it.
"Take a deep breath in."
I tried and got one breath in.

"J-j-john it w-was him.... I-i- was t-there I could of saved -him- him."
John looked at me confused.
"Who? Who could you of saved?"
I gasped for one last breath.
" My dad!"
I said in mid breath breaking my choking.
I stopped and started crying.
John brought me into his arms.
"Hey hey it's ok Amy your safe.... Your with me."
He kissed my head and rubbed circles on my back.
"What happened? Did I miss the show? Where are we?!"
I noticed we weren't in the hotel.

We were on a couch.
"Your ok.... You fell asleep back at the hotel and we needed to go.... So I Carried you over to the Venu. You didn't miss anything we'll be playing in an hour or so.... George and the rest of the lads are just getting some food..."
I nodded and hugged John tighter.

"Thank you John."
He placed a kiss on my cheek and squeezed me tighter.

"Well then, must Of been having quite the dream then love...."
I looked down, flash backs from the not so fake dream.
"I usually have the same dream..."
"What happens?"
I hiccuped.
"Sorrry, uh I basically re live the whole last day I hadwith my dad.... I didn't tell you this because I don't tell many people, but I was in the car when it crashed. And my dad sang to me to calm me down when he was on his last minutes of life... The car h-had completely flipped over."

"Oh Amy, I'm so sorry that sounds terrible."
I nodded.
"I uh- watched the people pull his dead body out of the car, dad must of been hiding from me. He had a massive shard of glass in his chest and face.."

John frowned.
"Y'know when my mother died... She had just started to reconnect with her sister. Aunt Mimi. And I could tell they were both happy.
But then. But then uh she was hit by an off duty police car."
I felt so horrible for John, he had a broken childhood just as I did. I feel like that's how we connected.
We both haven't been loved in a while.

I looked into John's eyes, and brought his gaze to mine.
"I'm sorry."
We both said at the same time.

I chuckled and sniffled away any more stray tears threatening to spill.
"I know how it feels to be alone. I've been alone me whole life. It's not nice. Never has been."
I nodded and held his cheek with my hand.

"Hey got the bisc-"
George and Paul busted in the door stopping when they must of realised we were having a serious moment.
"We-we can leave..."
Paul said pointing back outside.
"No don't be crazy! I'm hungry!"
I said breaking through my sadness.

George smiled and handed me a packet on chocolate digestive biscuits.
"Yum one of my favorites!"
George high fived me.
"Me to! If someone took my biscuits I swear id-"

"Ok Harrison calm down..."
George took a deep breath in which made me laugh about how serious he was.

"Oi lads your on in 10 minutes."
"Arrrgh man! I just got these biscuits though!"
George sighed.
I laughed and sat on John's lap.
He kissed my ear.

Ringo ran in shortly.
"Sorry lost me sticks!"
He said referring to his drum sticks.

These men have quite the obsessions....
Paul smiled at me randomly.

I smiled back but looked back at John who was staring Paul down.

I scoffed.
"John I was just smiling at him!"
"That's not what Paul was doing..."
Paul smiled and got up.

"Well then come ead, shows going to Start soon. Amy you probably want to go down to the audience. Try not to get trampled!"
I laughed and Got off of John.

I mouthed good luck and walked out.
I pushed my way through the thousands of girls.
Getting the dead eye from most of them.

Then suprisingly I saw one of my friends from high school.
I ran over to her and hugged her.
"I've missed you so much ams!"
"Me to babe! How's the whole being a nurse going for you?"
"Great! I started the course a year ago... What about you? Going on with photography or modelling?"
I laughed even though it was so loud you wouldn't even be able to hear me.
"I'm not quite sure to be honest.... What are you doing here?"
She smiled.
"Honestly I'm in love with paul McCartney! I love the Beatles! I thought you didn't like them?"

"Long story short, I really like them now!"
"Who's your favourite?"
"John. Yeah definitely!"
She smiled.
"Oh the fat Beatle?"
I frowned.
"Trust me he isn't fat...."
I said with my dirty mind taking over.
She smirked.
"Ladies and gentlemen I now present to you.... The Beatles!"
The curtains drew.

I saw John and the rest all in there suits.
I smiled.
John walked up to the microphone making eye contact with me smiling in the process.
"Good evening Australia! We're the Beatles and we'd like to perform for ya!"
I laughed and clapped.

John stepped back a bit strumming his guitar and the rest starting to play as well.
So far I didn't mind it....
I actually really liked it.

I watched intently has the boys bopped there mop tops around stage. I smiled and just enjoyed myself.
"Amy! John's literally staring right at you!"
I looked to john and he winked at me.

I rolled my eyes and waved.

He gave me that 'how are you liking the music?'
Look and I simply smiled and nodded.

Making him strum a chord even harder then the others, making me chuckle.

I smlied and just watched them, I felt so.... I felt so happy.

And believe or not, I haven't felt 'happiness' in a long time.

All the screaming of the woman drowned out, everyone disappeared. It was just me and him.

I felt so content. So in my own element.
"Well done sweetheart."
Everything went back into place.

All the screaming, all the people.
I turned around.
She turned around.
"Was that you?"
"Doing what?"
I suddenly felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest.
"Thanks dad."
I mumbled back.

I looked back at John, this man has made me so happy.

I am so happy.

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