The Real John Lennon

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Amy's pov

I walked back and fourth through my room, it was currently 11 pm and I couldn't get the thought threw my head that I met a really famous guy.

He was cute and all but he didn't tell me he was apart of the Beatles?

I was so past tired at this point, so I got my coat and snuck out.

I needed to see Tom, I feel like he'll help me.
He's always understood me.

It pains me to say it but I wish I could just get back with Tom.
I walked to his house, the lights were on.
I smiled feeling happy he was up as well.

It started pouring down. I put my hands over my forehead attempting at covering my face from the rain.
I looked through his window, my smile slowly fading once again.

Tom and his mystery new girl were jumping up and down on the ground dancing around.

I looked over to the record player.
I cursed at myself, they were playing "she loves you" by the Beatles.

I know I probably looked like a creep, but as much as I wanted to stop my heart wouldn't let me.

They both crashed onto his bed, he looked into her eyes pushing some hair behind her ear.
He said something to her but I couldn't tell what it was.

All I could hear was John yelling she loves you yeah yeah yeah over and over.

Tom kisses her passionately and lovingly.
He never kissed me like that.

I couldn't help but cry, we were in a relationship for so long.

But now it's all over.
It's scary how something can end so quickly, so painfully scary.

The memories Tom and I shared all replayed.
I thought about the kids we could of had.

I thought he was the one, I guess not.
I was soaking wet and quite cold.

My eyes wouldn't dare shed more tears.
I've shed enough.

I think this is now me finally realising Tom and I are done.

We're ending the chapter on that one.
I turned around and started walking to the park I went to last time.

I sat on the wet swing seat. Being welcomed with an instant wet bum.

I shivered slightly, I put my hands in my pockets and dragged my feet along the ground making the swing slowly rock back and fourth.

It wasn't raining to much but was lightly sprinkling.
I was cold and wet and sad.
"What would you do if you were me at this point dad?"
I asked.
Obviously no reply.

I missed my dad, my mum isn't around that much because she's always busy.

It bugs me because it's almost like she doesn't have time for Lucy and I.

I sniffled.
"Hello again Amy."
I didn't bother turning around, I knew it was John.
"Hey John."
He sat on the swing next to me.
"Your a good singer John, I watched you live this morning."
John was silent.
"I don't get it? Why didn't you tell me you were apart of the Beatles..."
I asked.
"Well because no one sees me for me anymore. I'm always John Lennon the man from the famous band nothing else!"
He said waving his arms in the air.

I got what he meant I guess.
"I guess it was like when I was with you it was like I was a normal teenager again. I wasn't the John Lennon everyone else knew me as."
I looked over to him.
"I get that John, but I'm not like that. I always see people for who they truly are."
John nodded.

"Thanks Amy."
I smiled.
"No thank you, you let me lay all my problems on you. I don't have anyone talk to that's all."
John put his hand on mine which was sitting on my lap.

"Anytime Amy, I'm here. Your midnight man."
I chuckled.
"Your freezing Amy!"
John said.

"Yeah well that's what you get for waking in the rain."
John got off the swing and pulled me off as well.

He held both of my hands and we both started spinning around.
I couldn't help but start laughing.
We fell into the cold wet grass, it wasn't pleasant.

But I fell in John's arms, and he held me, wrapping his big arms around my waist. We both looked up to the dark night sky.
It was beautiful, the stars twinkled in the night sky.

John's embrace was very warm so I was happy like that.

I could feel his chest going up and down as he breathed.

I felt his hot breath on my neck, sending goosebumps down my side.

"The sky's always so beautiful."
I said breaking the silence.

I knew he was smiling.
"Just like you."
He said under his breath.
"Yeah it is beautiful."
I nodded.
I checked my watch.
12:35 at night.
"I should go."
I said jumping out of his arms.
"Wanna come back to mine? Meet the lads?"
I thought about it for a while.
Fuck it I can do whatever I want.
John smiled and turned around so his back was facing me.
"Get on!"
"Come on it'll be fun love hop on!"
I was hesitant... but obliged.

I jumped on his back, he lifted me up a bit then to my surprise he started running.

I laughed as we ran down pathways.
I chocked out.
He ran to a well known hotel, only rich Australians can get a room in there.

I hoped off his back and looked the building up and down, getting a flash of excitement.
"All the lads are up there playing cards."
I nodded and we went in.

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