Goodbye for now?

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John's pov

I woke up to the early sunlight shining through my window.

I looked at the time,6:38 am.

I had packed last night.

Brian told us we were leaving in the morning so I figured I should get up.

I felt like shit. Amy's out of my life.
I'm out of my life, I miss her so much but I guess I'm going to have to let go for real.

I got up and ruffled my hair. And put some decent flying clothes on and headed out.

The lads were already out.
"So I guess this wraps up Australia then."
Paul Siad combing his hair.
"I loved it! But y'know England is me home so I want to go home."
George said.

"I can't wait to see Jane!"
"I can't wait to see- oh wait I have no one!"
I laughed at Georges comment.

He was rejected by this model... I forget Pattie something.

She had a boyfriend so it made George look pretty stupid.

I tried my best not to look sad, I can't let my feelings get the best of me.

"What about you John?"
"Uh yeah Australia was great! Can't wait to see Cynthia..."
I said.

Ringo came out shortly.
"Ok ready lads?"
Brian said.

We all looked at each other and nodded.
Amy's pov
I woke up on the cold wooden flooring. Lucy was still curled up in my arms.

My eyes were all sticky and sore.

I remembered the events from yesterday causing my whole body to ache.

I kissed Lucy's head and got up.
I lifted Lucy up and carried her bridal style to her bed and layed her down.

I tucked her in.

I had come to my reasoning and thought I wanted to see John one more time before he left.

I left a note for Lucy just in case I wasn't back before she woke up.

I caught a car to the airport hoping to see a glance of my first true and probably last love.
John's pov

The lads and I walked through the crowds of people, hoping not to be seen.

I held my hat over my face a bit.

But then we of course heard the screams of young woman.

We all started running.
Paul yelled.

Ringos bag handle broke so he hugged it into his chest.

I ran as fast as I could.
I looked back as I ran to see the crowd.

But then I tripped and crashed Onto someone.
Amy's pov
I got out of the car and ran into the airport.
I walked in and to my surprise saw tom and his mystery girl.

I was to full of sorrow and sadness, I just watched as tom held her close and kissed her.

We then made eye contact, I gasped and ran in the opposite direction. I ran and ran.

I looked back to see if he was following me.
But as I did that I hit someone sending us both backwards.

I hit the ground wincing in pain.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
"I'm so sorry miss you s-"
I opened my eyes and it looked like he just did as well.

It was John, just my luck.
We Said our names at the same time.

He gave me his hand and hoisted me up.

I brushed the crinkles and dust off my skirt.
And before I could meet his gaze he hugged me tightly.

I was surprised by the warm embrace, but I felt happy I melted into his arms.

But then I couldn't help it, I broke out into tears.
"Amy? Are you ok?"
"No John it's my mum, she died. She was hit by a car."
John squeezed me harder.
"Oh Amy! I'm so sorry! I should've been there for you I'm sorry I'm so sorry!"
I let go and sniffled.

"No it's ok. I should've been there for her."
"Don't you ever blame yourself for a second."
I nodded.

I slowly looked into his eyes.
Being hit with that electrical feeling.

His eyes enchanting me deeply.
I couldn't snap out of it.
And it looked like he couldn't either.
"John our flight is leaving in thirty m-"
We both snapped out of it.
Ringo hugged me.

I hugged him back.
"I'm going to miss this bird!"
Ringo said.

I heard Georges yells.
Just as I let go of Ringo George jumped onto me.

Sending me backwards just George helped me stay up.
"Bye Amy!"
George kissed my cheeks then my nose.

I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"Bye George! Don't you let anyone eat your biscuits!"
"Oh gosh no! There reserved for you!"
My heart warmed.
"Nawwwh that's Georgie!"
Paul walked over and hugged me as well.
"Paul! I'll miss your perky eye brows and girly baby face."
Paul smiled and squeezed me.
"I'll miss everything about you!"
I laughed.
"Bye Paul."
Paul George and Ringo walked down to the plane bridges.

John walked towards me.
"Y'know you could come with us."
I smiled and played with the rings on my fingers.

"I can't. I have to look after Lucy and the house."
John frowned.

George ran back up.
"Hurry up John!"
"Yeah give me a second!"
George nodded and ran back down.
"I'm gonna miss you Cinderella..."
John's eyes filled up with tears.
"I'll miss you more midnight man."
John leaned in and kissed me quickly.
"Will I see you again love?"
I smiled.
"If that's what's right then yes I believe we will see each other again. Midnight man."
Memories filling my head from when we first met.

"I love you Amy, remember that. I'll always have a special place for you in my heart."
I held his cheeks.
"Me to John. Now go you'll miss your flight!"
John frowned.

He picked up his bags and saluted me goodbye.

I bowed down.
"Goodbye for now!"
Was the last thing I heard that man say.

For now.

I felt happy, I felt sad. I felt lost.
Saying goodbye to someone isn't easy.

Especially when you love them.
John's pov
I sat in my chair and watched as the airplane got higher and higher.
"Goodbye Amy Gilbert."
The lads ran to my side of the plane pushing there faces against the glass.
"Goodbye Australia!"
Paul yelled.
"Well we did it lads!!"
We cheered and drank.

But deep down all I could think about was Amy.

I wonder if I will see her again.
Amy's pov
I sat in the cab watching the buildings go by.
I thought about John and the time we spent together.

I was curious.
I wonder if I will ever see him again.

I really do guess it was goodbye for now.
Hehehehe you thought this was the end?
I'm not that cruel! There will be at least ten or so chapters left.
Enjoy them! I hope your enjoying it.

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