the secret falls

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Amy's pov
After what seemed like years of driving, we got to the destination.

But I left out the part that we had to walk at least an hour in the very hot sun.

"We're here!"
I yelled parking the car on the side of the road.

"What do you mean? We just parked on the side of the road... In the middle of a high way."
George said.

I laughed.
"Nope this is it. Remember it's...."
I held my hand to my mouth getting closer to George.
"A secret."
I whispered quiet loud as a joke.

He smiled.
George and I were at the boot of the car. George was unloading some things I brought.

I walked along the side of the car bumping into a shirtless John.

He had tied his shirt on his head, almost like a hat.

I smiled and looked up to him.
"It's hot ok!"
I laughed.
"Yeah, yeah."
He shook his head smiling.

I then watched as George paul and Ringo did the same.

"Well then.... The four musketeers!"
They all leaned on eachothers shoulders.
"Hold that thought."
I jumped back to the car pulling out my camera.

"Say Australia is better then England!"
They all smiled.
"England is better then Australia!"
They all said as I took the photo.

I shook my head.
I looked back at all the boys.
They all grinned.
"Y'know I think I speak for all of us when I say, there really should be 5 musketeers..."
I laughed slowly clapping my hands slowly.

"Paul are you implying I take my shirt off and tie it on my head?"Paul smiled

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"Paul are you implying I take my shirt off and tie it on my head?"
Paul smiled.

I smirked and took my shirt off.
I took my hair out of my messy bun.

I looked back up to the boys as I tied my shirt on my head.

Leaving me in my bikini top and shorts.
They all stared at me.
"Well then... Are we going or not?"
I said walking into the bush.

"Wait wait wait.... We're going in there?!"
Ringo said.
"You scared?"
Before Ringo could respond John hit his chest.
John jumped in the bush with me, Paul and George following behind.

Leaving Ringo hesitant.
"Come on Ritchie it's just the bush."

"Yeah a bush full of snakes."
He said coming in catching up with the rest of us.
I was honestly fine, I'm use to walking hours on end in the hot sun.

But the boys... They were ... A bit different.
We've been walking in the bush for about 50 minutes and they were famished.
Johns chest was completely sweaty, so we're the others.

I've got to say. Being with four bare chested cute boys was fun though.

I mean I had my bikini on so I wasn't to hot.
"Amy? We've been walking for hours! Are we there yet?"
George whined.

I smiled getting a familiar memory.
17 years ago
Tony's pov
(Amy's dad.)
I was taking little Amy out to a secret water fall only a coupple of people know about.
I was excited for her to see it.
Lucy was only born a coupple of months ago so she was obviously to young.

Amy was on my back and we were walking.
"Yes sweetheart?"
"We've been walking for hours daddy! Are we there yet?!"
My little 5 year old daughter whined.
I smiled.
"Not yet pumpkin, but time will tell."
"Yes baby?"
"I loveeeeee you."
I smiled.
"And oh how I love you ams."
She smiled and rocked back and fourth on my back causing me to wobble.

We both laughed and continued your way down the bush in the hot sun.
Flashback over

I smiled. My father was a very intelligent man.
He was my idol. He was my hero. He was my dad.

He always wanted me to try new things, and that's shaped me as a human today.
If only he were here today.

I stopped thinking when I realised we were there.
I yelled.
The four of them stopped bumping into eachother.
"Why are we stopping it's just more and more bush...."

The waterfall was covered by trees so you couldn't see it, but there was a parting in the bush.

I smiled at john's comment.
I took my shorts off and waved at the boys as I ran through the parting landing right in the Massive water hole being filled by fresh water.

I heard them all yell causing me to chuckle.
"Guys! I'm down here!"
I watched closely as John peeked his head over the edge.

I heard him curse under his breath as he saw the view.
"It's beautiful isn't it?"
I yelled.

I jumped from quite the height.
"Sure is!"
Paul yelled as he and Ringo and George looked over.

"Welcome to Australia boys!"
They smiled.
"Well hurry up? Or do I have a set of balls bigger then you pussys?"
This took them by suprise.

John yelled as he jumped off the ledge screaming in the process.

I shut my eyes has water splashed all over me.
Iaughed so hard.

John came up from the water shaking his hair.
"That's probably the most highest place I've junpe-"

Before he could finish George and Paul jumped practically on top of him.

I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard my lungs were hurting.

But I stopped when no one came up.
"They're dead aren't they?!"
Ringo yelled from the top.

I grew scared, but then I was pulled underwater.

I screamed but then opened my eyes.
John had pulled me under.

I couldn't see Paul or George,
But it almost didn't worry me because I was being enchanted by John's beautiful eyes.

John came closer to me and connected our lips.
We slowly kissed underwater. I held onto his neck bringing him closer.

 I held onto his neck bringing him closer

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This was the most clique thing I've done.
We came up from the water gasping for air.

But I remain in eye contact with john, that is until Ringo jumped in breaking me out of a trance.

John smiled and swam over to Paul and George who were under the waterfall.

I smiled to myself.
I think I'm falling.

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