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Amy's pov
I unlocked the door and ran directly to my room.

Mum was alseep, and so was Lucy.
I slammed my bedroom door and jumped on my bed.

I grabbed my pillow and Screaned my absolute hardest into it.

Afterwards I just cried, I cried and cried.

"I loved you! I trusted you!"
I Screamed over and over into my pillow.

It came out into my pillow as muffles.
I pegged my pillow at the window and stood up.

I walked over to my wall ripping the photo of the lads lying on eachother and ripped it up.

"Fuck you!"
I jumped up and down on it.

Anyone else who was watching this would think I was being completely over dramatic.

Sure I may of, but this is what love does to me.

I ran to my bed and crashed on to it.
I walked along the foot paths of England, it was a frosty morning.

I could literally see my breath.
I walked over to a home, some how it attracted me.

I walked over,
It was a cute warm small looking home.
I put my hands in my pockets and walked to the window.

I saw him. I saw John, a lady with blonde hair and a little brunette boy.
The rest of the lads were there playing with the boy.

I watched as John held the woman close to him.
He kissed her and hugged her.

He stared at her with his longing loving eyes.
I just watched it.

John then made eye contact with me.
"I don't love you, I never ever did. I just wanted a shag. Which by the way wasn't even that good. So piss off. I'm happy with me life as it is."
John said
It was weird because he was inside, but I could hear him clear as day.

I let a tear slip.
"Now piss off you heard him!"
The woman said.
John pulled her closer to him.

He started violently making out with her.
The rest of the men disappeared.

I just watched, until I felt big pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

I Screamed and moved around.

"Let go of me!"
"Look at you your flying!"
I turned around and saw my dad.

I Screamed he had a big shard of glass sticking in his face and chest.

It looked just like it did.
"I love you Amy! Daddy loves you!"
His voice started to go deeper and his body Melted.

I Screamed and kicked until I was free.
I ran over to a forest.

I then bumped into someone.
The man turned around.
It was tom.
"No one loves you Amy."
I yelled and Screamed.

Then John and my dad appeared next to tom.
I walked backwards, all three men following me.
"Please stop! Please!"
"We lovvvve you ammmyyy!"
I held my ears still backing up.
"No no no! No you don't!"
I tripped over and found myself in a car.
around and let out a blood curdling scream.

I was in the front of the car.
"No dad!"
The car crashed sending me to fly out the window.

I jumped up out of bed gasping.
"No dad!!!"
"Calm down Amy!"
I looked to my side, my mum was dabbing my face.
I jumped into her arms.
But when I let go it was dad he had the glass in his face.
I jumped up out of bed.
I clawed at my neck.
I took a long deep breath in.

I was sweating, and I was sore.
I couldn't help it, I let out a loud cry.

My mum soon rushed in and held me in her Arms and rocked me back and fourth.
"Sweety! What's wrong?"

I hiccuped and stuttered.
"N-no one ever would love m-mme mum."
"That's not true!"
She kissed my forehead.

That was quite a dream.

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