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Amy's pov

"Hurry up John!"
I complained as I waited for John to get ready.
"Just give me a second love!"
He came running out with a shirt over his head.

I yanked it down.
"Come on then!"
He smiled and linked our arms.
"Where are you two going then?"
George asked.

"I'm taking John to a restaurant!"
George put his jacket on.
"I could eat."
John stared him down like a hawk.

George slipped out of his jacket.
"Or not...."
"No don't be ridiculous come on George."
I linked Georges arm with mine.

So we were all Linked.

I knew John was already jelous, which confused me. George was a nice man for so much I've seen.

"Aren't we going to drive?"
John asked.

"Nope it's actually just up here."
I printed and started to run up the pavement yanking John and George behind.

"What is it with you and running love?!"
I heard John yell.

"Well after today, you might want to burn some calories."

"No need for George love, he has the diet of a pig but somehow seems to stay In amazing shape..."
George smiled and patted his belly.

"It's a family secret..."
He whispered.

I rolled my eyes and brought the two into a small little shop.

"This is it?"
George said.

"Well is that you Amy?"
I heard the familiar voice of the shopkeeper.

He walked behind the counter and hugged me.
"I missed you!"
I said into his neck.
"Your father would be so proud!"
I smiled holding back tears.

Joe was my dads best friend from kindergarten up to when he died.

Joe owns a little restaurant that's Australian based.
I remember I tried my first Lamington at his shop.
Flash back
"Dad? Where are we goingggg?"
Amy said dragging her feet down the concrete.
"You my baby doll, are going to try something amazing!"
Amy perked up getting excited.
The two walked into a small little shop.
The bell rang as the two walked in.
"Tim! Is that you mate?"
"Joe! G'day. How are ya?"
"Well I'm great! This must be little Amy."
The man crouched down to see her.
"Yes I'm Amy!"
Amy gave her hand for Joe to shake.
"Ello Amy I'm Joe, how are you?"
"I'm good!"
"Well that's great! What can I do for you two?"
Amy's dad looked at the food selections.
"Amy you should try a Lamington!"
Amy scrunched her face.
"You'll love it baby I promise!"
Joe got the Lamington out and put it on a plate moving it up to Amy.

Amy nibbled it instantly devouring it in one.
"Dad dad dad! That was amazing!"
Her dad smiled and patted her back.
"We'll take two more!"
Joe smiled and served them more.
Flash back done.

"So Amy are you going to introduce me?"
"Oh joe! Where are my manners! This is John and George. John George this is Joe! An old friend."
They both nodded at Joe shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you sir."
They both said.
"Please call me Joe! And well well I see little Amy has brought some English man!"
The boys laughed.

Joe came over and whispered in my ear.
"So Amy what will we be feeding the poor pommys Today?"
Joe whispered.

I chuckled and spoke back so the boys could hear.
"Don't be soft Joe, give em your best."
I replied with a wink.

Joe laughed and walked to the back of the shop.
"Uh Amy what does give em your best mean?"
George said.
"You'll just have to wait and see."
I walked over to a booth.
The boys following.

We spoke for a while, until Joe came out with a platter of foods.
"So Amy what are we giving them first? Deserts? Or hard core Aussie?"

"We'll start easy."
Joe nodded serving us all a bushels tea.
"Mmm tea! Isn't that english?"
John asked.

I jumped slightly when I felt his hand on my thigh.

I smirked at him.
"No johnny it's bushels tea. Australian brand."
George and John nodded taking sips occasionally.

They didn't seem to mind it.
"Ok now the Tim tams!"
"The what what?"
Joe gave us a plate of the delicious chocolate biscuits.

They would have to be crazy if they didn't like Tim tams.
John and George slowly put them into there mouths.

I watched as they both crunched on it.

Georges face light up and he devoured it.
John slowly followed.
"That's was bloody fantastic!"
George said as he scoffed down the rest of them.
"Geez George...."
I said.
Time went by and we finished all the foods.
I said goodbye to Joe and the boys and I left.
"How'd you like it?"
"That was amazing! The Tim tams the Lamingtons! Even the Vegemite on toast! Loved it all."
George said.

"I loved it Amy thank you."
John said kissing my cheek.

"Anytime boys! I'm so excited to see you two play!"
They both smiled and we ran down the street racing each other back and fourth until we made it to the hotel, we waited until they had there concert.

I was unbelievably excited to watch them.

If only my father was here, he'd be so happy.
I just know it.

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