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Amy's pov
The next morning

I woke up with big arms holding me, I looked under the covers. Of course just as I'd expected I was naked so was John.

I smiled and cuddled into him more. It was a slightly cold morning but John's body was so warm.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and snuggled in with him.

It's a weird feeling, I guess I never thought I would see him again it was something that happened in my dreams.

I mean he lives in England! I live in Australia!
How will this even work out?

All I know is I love this man to much to see him leave me again.

I heard him stir in the bed.
"Good morning love."
His raspy morning voice ringing throughout my ears sending goosebumps down my neck.
"Good morning."

"Y'know I could get use to this."
I smiled and brought my body closer to his.

"Me to, but what are we going to do?"
He closed his eyes.

"I think we should spend the day together, Catch up again. Then I know this will be hard but you'll have to make a decision. I wish I could stay here but I'm still apart of the Beatles. I can't leave them just yet."

I moved so I was sitting on top of him.
My chest was fully exposed to him but I loved and trusted this man so much I didn't care.

"Make what decision?"

He smiled and looked my body up and down.

"Oi I said what decision?"
I brought his eyes back to my face.

"Well, y'know to come and live with me in England..."

My heart sunk.

I love John to bits, and when he left me a those years ago I couldn't think straight.

I couldn't find any more love that competed against his.

But Australias my home, it's where my mum and dad fell in love, it's where I fell in love.

It's where my life took place.

But it's the love of my life, John's my everything.

I looked down to him. He watched me.
"Listen your going to have to impress me, I'll give you an answer at the end of the day. I hope you understand."
He nodded.

I smiled and brushed some of his long hair out of his face.
"I love your hair John."
"Really? The lads always pay me out for it."
"Nah it makes you even more attractive then your were. I liked short haired John. But long haired John is more sexy."

He smirked.

He rolled me over so he was on top.

"But I'll like it even more if you let me braid it."
He rolled his eyes.

I smiled, he kissed me all over my face.

I started laughing, he moved his head down and tickled me.

"John! Hahahha! Stop!"
I couldn't stop laughing myself.

He stopped and looked back at me.

There was a Moment of silence.
"I love you so much."

"I love you more."
I held his cheek feeling his light stubble.

"We'll see."

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