fresh starts

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Amy's pov

I hoped out of bed, it was a slightly cold morning here in Australia.

I took a deep breath in getting ready for the day that was about to unravel.

It's been 4 years since I've seen John.
I mean apart from everywhere on the news.

Everytime I see him, I remember the past.
I still love him dearly, but I keep telling my self to let go.

I mean it's crazy that I'm still all over him.
Lucy's all grown up now, she moved to America last year.

I got back on track with modelling, I still live in Australia.

I can never leave! It's my home town!
Ive become quite successful...

Vouge has taken an interest to me.
I still do a bit of photography, but mostly modelling.

It's quite cliche and I know that, but I love it and I think that's all what matters.

I've dated like 7 guys over the period of 4 years.

I mean I sleep with a bunch of guys, but they never turns into anything.

It's weird because it's almost like John is in the back of my mind still, and I make myself believe it's my decision.

I sometimes stay awake at night thinking about him, I convince myself I'm not crazy.

But at the same time I am crazy for him.

He's never sent anything to me. So I figured he's forgotten about me.

John's pov

I felt the sweat trickle down my forehead as I sprinted down the streets of Liverpool.

I was visiting Mimi.
I ran my hardest down the paths, down penny lane.

Until I reached it.
"One vouge magazine please!"
The man looked me up and down confused.
He shrugged and handed me one.

I smiled and handed him money.
I ran with the magazine.

I didn't look at it yet.
But as soon as I did, I fell for her again.

Amy was on the front page.
She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl ever!

I can add it to me collection!

I walked back home. Not many people in Liverpool noticed me which is good.

I walked in.
"I'm back Mimi!"
I took my coat off and sat in the Lounge room with her.
"Did you get that magazine again?"
I grunted and nodded.
"Y'know john, if I were you I'd want to see her again."
She said as she read her book by the fire place.
"I know Mimi, but she's different. She's probably forgotten I exist."
Mimi laughed.
She looked up from her book.
"John its bloody well hard to forget you exist when your on the front of every bloody magazine yourself!"

She made sense, I was. Well the lads and I were.
I know the Beatles won't last for to long.

We fight quite a lot.
Cynthia broke up with me two years ago.

Im on and off with random birds these days.
But like I said 4 years ago, I'll always have a special place for Amy in my heart.

She changed me for the better, they say that's what love does to you.

Mimi and I spoke for a while. But then I left.
Amy's pov

"Ok yes...  1 2 3... Yeah!"
The lay cheered me on as she took photos of me for the new magazine.

"Ok have a break Amy. Good job!"
The lady walked off.

Perfect! Now I can sneak off to the magazine collection.

The company I'm currently modelling for keeps a room filled with the hottest new magazines.

So when I can I sneak to that room to look a magazines of john.

I sneaked in and was welcomed with an older cover.

I smiled and admired his face, i smiled even harder when I noticed he was wearing his glasses.
I remembered he told me he had bad eye sight.

I Flicked through the pages until I got to the one dedicated to him and his writings.

I started reading.
It read.

So after Cynthia did you ever fall in love?
Reporter sally Taylor

Well to be honest I never really was in love with Cynthia, I liked and cared for her very much but I didn't love her. When I was ten I was asked if I liked anyone in my class, but I really didn't. So I asked me uncle George and he told me about love, he told me how it made him feel. And I never ever felt that feeling he described to me all those years ago.
Until I met someone.
She was a different bird to the rest and I met her in complete accident. There was just something about her that made me feel special she made me feel like I could accomplish anything, she listened to me. But then I left and I've never seen her since. But I'll tell you one thing a day never goes by when I'm not thinking about her. My memories are clear as day on her. I always see her in my mind happy. I hope she found her happiness.
John Lennon idol and musician.

Thats truly beautiful John. Can we get a name?
Reporter sally Richards.

I'm not sure how I can say it, so let's just say Cinderella.
John Lennon idol and musician.

I dropped the magazine and looked down to my hands, they were shaking furiously.

He really loved me that much?

My heart aches for him.

All my memories I shared with in flashed before my eyes.

But this time when I thought about him I didn't cry, I smiled.

I smiled and remembered the man I knew and loved.

Like I said all those years ago, it's it right then we will meet each other.

I walked out and finished my photo shoot, my spirits had been lifted for the better.

Little did Amy know she would be meeting him sooner then she expected.

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