The crash

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^look at the date!^

Amy's pov
I ran down the hallways, until I was picked up by my waist. I felt the big hands wrapped around my waist.
"Dad! Look I'm an airplane!"
I said as my dad flew me around the house on his shoulders.

"Yes baby look at you!"
Lucy wattled out.
Dad put me down and I hugged little Lucy.

"Look at my beautiful girls!"
Dad said as he watched me play around with Lucy.
"Your forgetting about me!"
Mother said as she walked over to me and Lucy.

She picked me up kissing my face all over.
"Your beautiful Amy!"
Mum said.
"She gets it from you babe!"
Dad said as he spun mum around kissing her all over.
"We have a beautiful family!"
Dad said.

"I have it all, a beautiful wife, beautiful children, beautiful house!"
Dad said as he twirled mum around.

Lucy wattled over to dad.
She stood on his feet and held his hands so he was helping her walk.

"Yay Lucy!"
I chanted while clapping her on.
Dad smiled and put me back on his shoulders, he held onto Lucy still running around with all of us.

He ran to his room crashing on the bed.
He pulled my shirt up blowing raspberrys on my belly sending me into a fit of laughter.

Mum came in shorty tackling dad down.
"I got him girls! Tickle him!"
Lucy and I jumped onto dad tickiling him.

Mum held him down.
He bursted up and tackled mum down, looking into her eyes staying silent.

I watched closely as he leaned down and kissed her.

I loved my parents, they were so madly in love.
Lucy made faces when she watched them kiss.

But I just watched.
I want something like this when I'm older.

Dad got off of mum and kissed her forehead.
"Now where was I?"
He said now attacking mum with tickles, Lucy and I slowly joined.

"You betrayed me!"
Mum said holding her chest and falling down.
"Da da ma ma dead!"
Lucy said.
"Oh no!"
Dad said.
"I'll give her the kiss of life!"
Dad kissed mum again, slowly mum gasped for air.

"She alive she alive!"
Lucy yelled sitting on her lap.

I smiled, I felt so happy.

"Well then Ive got to get the groceries!"
Mum said.

I groaned and crossed my arms, Lucy copied me.
"No come one baby, I'll do it. It will be fun! Amy would you like to help? There Maynor may not be lollipops...."
I nodded.

"Come on!"
He picked me up and pretended to fly me around.
I struggled holding the bags filled with food.
"Come ere princess!"
Dad said getting them from me.
He held my hand and we both walked to the car.
"Give daddy a second he just needs to put these in the boot."
I nodded and sucked on the lollipop he bought me.

Dad strapped me in kissing my nose, I scrunched my face smiling.

Dad hoped in and we drove down town back on the highway.

He put the radio on and we both sang crazily.
"Oh shit!!"
The car took a violent swerve causing my head to jerk to the other side. A sharp pain being shot to my neck.

Dad put his hand on my leg while he tried to drive out of the way.

Then it all went black.
"Amy baby please wake up!"
My ears were ringing.

My head hurt, my whole body hurt.
I slowly opened my eyes realising I was upside down.
I looked forward dad was also hanging up side down.

But he was covered in red stuff.
"Amy baby! Are you ok?"
He choked on his words.
"Dad what's -
What's happening?"
I felt so incredibly sore.
"It's ok, everything is going to be ok..."
He said.
I started getting really scared.
So sad started singing my favourite song.
"Incy wincy- s-s spider climbed up the water spout...."
He was choking on his words.

Until I heard loud Sirens.
Slowly after a big pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"No! Dad!"
"Look a-after her."
I shreiked.
"No! Please dad!"
I was being taken out of the car, I watched the life drain out of my dad as he shut his eyes.

I was lifted out.
The starnge men put me on a bed and wheeled me up into the car.
"No da-"
Before I could finish the man put a mask over my mouth.

I watched them get my dad out, but he had a big piece of glass in his chest and the side of his head.
"D-d dad p-p please don't leave me.... I- I we need you."

The horrifying sight made me faint.
So.... This is how her dad died. I figured I may as well add how it happened.
It was sad I know! The next chapter Amy will watch the boys perform! Hope you enjoyed!

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