•○¤The Game¤○•

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A gasp escaped in Sakura's lips as Sasuke quickly grab her hand and drag her behind him, protecting her from the others.
The other duos did the same.

Sakura blushed furiously as she felt her heart beat quicken.
Then she notice Ino's glare
Ino-pig is JEALOUS!
She glance to the blond and gave her a smirked, that cause Ino to glare harder.
If a glare can kill, she's probably dead right now but Ino's hard glare didn't affect her.
Her smirk just widened, taunting the Yamanaka girl.

Sasuke, Neji, Shikamaru, Naruto and Lee stared each other intently.

Neji glared to the Uchiha...
Shikamru just stared blankly at them...
Naruto was looking at the other team's balloon, planning which balloon he will stomp first while Lee just smiling, saying his youthful words.

As that words drop in Tsunade's mouth, all the boys started stomping, the balloon holders widened their eyes and quickly avoid their stomps.

Sakura was cut of as Sasuke quickly grab her waist and carry her in bridal style.
Sakura blushed hard

Tch so close!
Neji and Naruto muttered

Neji quickly glance at his side and grab Tenten's waist because Naruto was about to stomp her balloon.

"Our time!"
Ino whispered at Shikamaru and pointed Neji and Tenten who was busy glaring at Naruto

Neji glared at Naruto
While the blond just grinned and went to Ino and Shikamaru, who was walking silently to stomp Tenten's balloon behind.

"He caught us"
Shikamaru muttered and grab Ino's hand,
Ino jumped away in time to Naruto's stomp.


Naruto was busy stomping the balloon of Tenten and Ino... and completely forgot his partner.

Sasuke smirked and went behind Kiba
While Sakura followed behind him.

And Lee quickly went to Kiba too
while Shino followed silently.

Kiba widened his eyes as he saw Sasuke and Lee


Kiba sighed in relief as he jump away in time to Sasuke's stomp


He jump away again because Lee tried to stomp his balloon

"NARUTO you baka!
Your suppose to protect me!
This two was trying to stomp my ballon!"
Kiba shouted

Naruto quickly snapped back to Kiba
"OH GOMEN-NASAI! I almost forgot you!"
Naruto quickly run back to Kiba


Tenten's balloon popped out because Shikamaru stomped it and Neji wasn't able to protect Tenten in time

Neji just smirk
"My turn"
He muttered
And quickly run behind Ino

"NOOOO!" Ino panicked


Ino's ballon popped out

Tsunade announced as she raised her hands
The four genins went back to their seat

"Wow, that was quick!"
Asuma chuckled and gave a bottle of water to each of them

Ino glared at the Hyuga genius
While Neji just smirked and drinked his water

"Don't over react, your not the first one who's ballon popped out"
Tenten sighed and opened her bottle

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