•○¤Last Words and Smiles¤○•

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"Hn, took you so long enough"
Indra smirked as he saw his brother and Sakura walking towards them.

"Ehh! It's not that... E-Eh... I just gave her a remembrance!"
Asura blushed while Sakura giggled

"Remembrance you say..."
Indra smirked and disappears and reappeared behind Sakura. The pinkette widened her eyes and blushed hard.

Sasuke, on the other hand, glared at Indra but it faded as he reminded himself
Calm down, this is his last time to talk with-WAIT! WHY AM I SO TENSE UP!?
Sasuke groaned in annoyance

"Calm down Uchiha"
Indra smirked
"It's not like I would hurt her"
And with that, Indra and Sakura disappeared.


Asura decided to talk first
He scratched the back of his head
He didn't know what to say because he and Sasuke really didn't talk to each other.

Sasuke sighed sit down on the grassy green ground.

"Ah! We're gonna sit!"
Asura grinned and sat beside Sasuke.

Sasuke closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, enjoying the night breeze.
"You really remind me of Him"

This caught Asura's attention
"Who's him?"

"My teammate... Naruto"
Sasuke opened his eyes and looked up to the stars.

Asura quickly went closer to Sasuke while smiling
"Tell me more about him!"

Sasuke closed his eyes again and smirked as he remembered Naruto.
That Dobe...
I wonder what happen to him?


A certain blond celebrated, jumping up and down in joy while his partner just blushed.
He grinned

"I hope too, N-Naruto-Kun!"
Hinata smiled

"Right! Let's go!"
Naruto grabbed Hinata's wrist.
"Before anyone could!"

The sudden contact made the Hyūga heiress squeak and blushed hard. She almost drops the bag she's holding, the bag where she put all their items in.

Suddenly Naruto's stomach growled
"I can't wait to eat a bowl of hot ramen! I'M HUNGRY DATTE-BAYO!
Let's hurry up Hinata-chan!"


"Oh, so he loves ramen!"
Asura laughed

"Hn, very"
Sasuke smirked

"This is weird but... c-can..."
Asura hesitated as he started playing his shirt.

Sasuke raised one of his brows.

"Erm... Did N-Naruto... uhh... like someone?"
He stuttered

"Hn, yes"

Asura asked

Sasuke sighed

Asura grinned
"Just like... me"

The two just talked and talked... more like Asura was sharing his adventures while Sasuke just listening to him.


Indra used body flicker until they arrived at their spot.

"Where are we?"
Sakura asked confusingly

Indra closed his eyes as he sits down on the log beside them.
"My favorite training spot"

Sakura slowly walks beside him and sits down.
She looked around, they are in the middle of the field as fireflies flew around them.
It's really beautiful place indeed.

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