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Hagoromo just nodded then called someone.
Quickly a woman entered and bowed
"What is it, Hagoromo-sama?"

"Could you please bring me a pair of clothes"
He said
"One for the girl and one for this boy"

The woman bowed and walk away

"Why did father need to change their clothes, nii-san?"
Asura asked in curiosity

"So that the others will not be so suspicious about them, especially the outsiders"
Indra answered
"They might be their target or the worse... they would kill them"

Sasuke just mentally smirked as he heard what Indra said
The Uchiha snorted silently

The lady came back, already holding a pair of clothes and handed it to Hagoromo.

"You can change there, Sasuke"
Hagoromo said as he handed clothes to the Uchiha

He just followed

"While Sakura, you will follow her to a room, to change"
Hagoromo said

The pinkette quickly nodded and followed the lady out.


Sasuke sighed as he already took off Sakura's shirt, It makes him a little bit uncomfortable, especially it had a Haruno symbol at the back.
If Naruto and the others are here, they will totally laughed at me

He quickly change to the clothes that Hagoromo gave him and took off his konoha hetaite(konoha symbol headband)
I should keep this...
He stared at it then put it inside the scroll that Tsunade gave them. (Remeber Tsunade gave him a scroll too for winning)

The Uchiha stared at the clothes, it really fits him, but... it made him uncomfortable because he's not used to wear long sleeves shirts.

Sasuke just sighed as he put the scroll back to his small pouch and tied it around his left leg

(Lol imagine Sakura and Sasuke are wearing the same clothes as Indra and Asura when they're still kids😍 Cool Right!😂)


Wow! It really fits to me...
The pinkette stared at her clothes.
Then she quickly took off her konoha hetaite and put it inside the scroll that she opened earlier.
After that, she went out to the small room and walk back to the woman who was waiting her, that was already holding a hair bush.

"Little girl, is this hair color of yours are natural?"
The woman asked Sakura


The woman smiled
"Now let me arrange it, neatly"

Wow... people here are so caring!
Her Inner inserted

After a minute...
The woman smiled  as she admired the pinkette
"Such a beauty!"
She clap her hands together
"Here, take a look to your reflection"
The woman gave her bowl of water.

Sakura stared at down, the water is so clear... it was like a mirror in their timeline.
She blushed a bit...
A beautiful reflection indeed


The three boys and Hagoromo are already waiting Sakura to enter back.

"Nii-san, I'm excited to see Sakura!"
Asura exclaimed snapping Sasuke to his thoughts

Indra just stared at the door, ignoring his brother
What took that girl so lon-
His thoughts was cut out as the door opened revealing the pinkette.

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