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Sasuke caught Sakura, before she could fall to the ground. The Uchiha's heart beat quicken as he felt his throat runs dry.

"What happened?!"
Asura began to panick as he saw a weird bluish-black color appeared in Sakura's left hand.
"What's that?!"
He quickly grab Sakura's left hand.
That cause the Uchiha frown

"Put her to the room!"
Hagoromo instructed. Sasuke waste no time, and disappeared.


Hagoromo stared at Sakura.
"Looks like that monster manage to poison her when he kidnapped her"
He sighed and started to heal her.


It's been 6 days since they got here...
Sakura's been sick in 3 days now, that made them worried, even Indra and Sasuke was worried sick about her condition but of course they wouldn't admit it out loud.

"Don't worry, I got the poison away in time out of her body"
Hagoromo assured them as he got out to the room.
"She's okay now, you can go there"

Sasuke didn't waste no time and disappeared and reappeared beside his teamate, who was asleep at the whole time. He quickly look at her arms to see if the bluish-black color was there but it's not, that made him sighed in relief.

Tch... I hate it when you make me feel and act this way, Sakura
He sighed in annoyance

"I hope she will wake up soon"
Asura said as he entered the room

Indra followed behind and stared at the pinkette.
You really make me act weird...
Like out of my character, Sakura
He muttered.

Not too long, the night came...
The Otsutsuki brothers went back to their room to sleep, while Sasuke stayed with her, hoping that she will wake up soon.


Birds flying everywhere...
The wind pass by as the tree branches dance with it and the sun rose slowly over the horizon.

Mixing the sky blue with yellow and the tint of golden colors.

Green emerald eyes flattered open.

What happen?
Sakura muttered and gasped as she remember.
That creepy-
Her thoughts was cut out as she saw the Uchiha sleeping on the table beside her.
She took the opportunity to examine his face closely.
He's so handsome when he's sleeping!
Sasuke slowly stirred up and opened his eyes, waking from his sleep.
Sakura widened her eyes and quickly turn away while blushing hard.

"Hn, your awake"



Sakura was cut out as the door burst open

Ashura burst in
"I am so worried about you!"

"How did you know that I'm awake?"
Sakura asked confusly
She was shure that only her and Sasuke was inside the room.

"Hn, because of your chakra"
Indra said as he entered and walk beside her while Sakura blushed.
"Lie down, let me check your body"
He instructed

Sakura widened her eyes
And blushed hard, while Sasuke tense up.

Asura looked at them confusly while Indra raised his brows.
"Nii-san was just gonna check Sakura-chan"

It's the past Sakura! They don't have a malicious mind!
Sakura's inner reminded her that made her realise.
"I-It's nothing, I just remembered something"
Sakura blushed and hesitatedly lay down.

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