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The person hugged her


I punched the person on the face, more like nose.

Asura whinned as he rubbed his nose
"It hurts!"

"You scare me out Asura!"
Sakura glared at the younger Otsutsuki

"Sorry, I-I didn't mean too, why are you so scared like that? As if you felt-"

"I felt another chakra... I felt another eyes... watching me"
Sakura cut in

Asura widened his eyes


Oh, I almost forgot that this kids can sense chakra... because they came from the future...
The stranger muttered as he watch the two.
... well... I never expect she can easily detects Chakra.
He smirked
She's... interesting


"Nah! Maybe I'm just imagining things"
I sighed
"It's okay, Asura!"

"Are you shu-"

I changed the topic, I can't let him worry about me.

"Yes! Let's go!"
Asura pumped his fist up in the air


Where did those two hide?!
I groaned in furstration

"We can't find them!"
Ashura groaned beside me
"Searching them takes a hundered of years!"

I rolled my eyes
Really? A hundred of years?!
I sighed
we've been searching them in a hour and yet, we didn't find anny trace!

Asura exclaimed as he grinned
"I know where nii-san usually hide!"
He dragged me back to their house


Asura sighed in defeat
"He's not here! He usually hides here behind this curtain!"
He pointed the empty wall behind their curtain.

"They win!"
Sakura pouted

"Right! Let's tell them that!"
He hold Sakura's hands and dragged her back outside and shouted in the top of his lungs.

Sakura shouted

Not so long, Indra and Sasuke appeared at their front.

"If you invite me to play a game like that again, you better know how to find me"
Indra smirked and enetered the house.

Sasuke followed while glaring at Asura.


He's holding her hands again!
His blood boiled while staring at them

"Sasuke-kun are you okay?"
Sakura asked softly that snapped him to reality.
"Why are you glaring to Asura like that?"
She asked confusly

He just replied flatly and walk inside to the house.

Asura gulped
"Is he always like that?"

"Yes, he's such a moody person"
Sakura sighed


Asura finished his story telling to his father, he told him what happened when they played hide and seek earlier.
"Nii-san and Sasuke-san really is a good hider!"

Hagoromo was not suprise because he already knows, that both of his son and Sasuke have a connection... connection of being an Ancestor and Descendant.

The door creeker open and a man entered holding a scroll and gave it to Hagoromo.

He widened his eyes in suprise is he readed it.

"What happend, father?"
Asura asked worriedly as he notice his father's reaction.
"Is someone want to attack us again?"

"No... "
He glance to the two
"I found the solution to your problem about time traveling"

Sakura widened her eyes as she gasped in happiness
Then her smile didn't last long as she realized something.
If I travel back... that means I can't see them anymore.
She frowned

Asura gaped
He whinned while Sakura blushed of what he said.

He Really act like Naruto...
Sasuke clenched his fist
Sakura notice this and grabbed his hands that turned curled to fist.
(A/N: they are seating beside each other)

"Sasuke-kun... relax..."
She said in a soothing voice
He really act like he was jelous about me
She blushed at her thoughts.

"Even we like it or not, they need to go back to their timeline because they don't belong here in our time"
Hagoromo explained
"Let's start the process tomorrow, because there are some requirements that are needed. You should rest tonight and prepare yourselves tomorrow."
He glance at Sasuke and Sakura

Both said in unison.

Sakura stared at the window of her room.
Finally... we can go back...
It's really worth it, travelling back here...
Staying 3 days... BUT... I'll miss them all.
She frowned

We don't belong here... we need to go back.
She sighed and dozed to dream land.

Unknown to her that someone was watching her at the distance.

A smirk crept out to the stranger's face
Don't worry, you won't leave this place...
And you will not go back to your timeline...
He muttered and chuckled darkly.
...you and that Black haired boy!


Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and got up to his bed.
I really didn't have a good sleep last night because I felt... something's bad gonna happen.
He muttered.

"Hn, me too"
Indra said as he heard his voice.
Indra have a very good hearing sense, that's why he heared him.

Sasuke glared at him
"It's none of your business"

Indra just sighed

"Good morning everyone!"
Asura greeted as he jump up to his bed and run outside, going towards Sakura's room.


Asura froze as he entered the room...
It was empty

His eyes widened
"Sakura-chan's gone!"
He shouted

"Would you stop that! Your very noisy!"
Indra growled as he walk out to their room and Sasuke silently followed behind.


"Maybe she's outside"
Indra sighed

One of their father's assistants passed to them, Asura took the opportunity to ask him.

"Do you saw a pink haired girl walking around?"
Asura asked worriedly

"A pink haired girl? No one was walking around that have a pink hair, young master"
He bowed
"... it's still me and your father that was awake earlier"

This time, Sasuke was the one who first to react.
Sakura's gone!?
He tense up and gritted his teeth

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