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"Let go of her"

Sasuke growled as black zetsu appeared at the distance away from them.

"And why should I?"
Black Zetsu smirked as he gripped Sakura's wrist tightly behind her back.
The pinkette was so hepless, she only cried because it was so useless to struggle out.
"I need her because I need some information to the future! I was suppose to choose you but This girl is more easier to interrogate"
His smirk widened as he saw Sasuke's face boiled up in anger.

Sasuke was furious and blamed himself that he didn't  react on time!
It's all my fault!
He growled as he slowly activated his Sharingan.
I'll get her with my own hands!

Asura said in worry
This creep is really hard to defeat!
He glared at black zetsu
And He got Sakura-chan!
He growled
I will do anything to get her back!
He started to concentrate at the corner, slowly and steadily activating his sage mode that he's practicing these days.

There was something different in Asura's chakra
Black zetsu muttered
The glanced to the future boy.
He have the Sharingan...
Just like Indra's...
This boy was a descendant
And Indra is his ancestor.

"We can't attack him recklessly or we'll hurt her"
Indra informed the other two, who was standing beside him.
This situation is getting harder! If she wasn't been captured by this creep...
Everything will be easy! And I will not hesitate to kill this thing!
He glared at Zetsu, who was smiling at all time.
I'll get her back on that dirty hands of that monster


Sasuke smirked as an idea came up in his mind. Asura notice this and smirked.


Indra asked as he saw the two talking

"We have a plan!"
Asura smirked and whispered it to his nii-san.

Zetsu who was staring at the distance growled in irritaion.


Sasuke throw a smoke bomb around them.


As the smoke disappears, Sasuke was already holding a 2 giant Shurikens!

"I never seen such a dangerous big weapons like that before... BUT Attcking me that thing won't work"
Zetsu smirked as he held Sakura's wrist more tightly, that made her whimpered in pain.

Sasuke waste no time and throw the shurikens.

The shurikens flew in high speed towards them.
Zetsu smirk at this and push Sakura in front of him, so that she will get hit instead of him.
This girl can die...
Zetsu mentally said
Why worry? I can choose the other boy since they still both came from the future, and he looked like he got more interesting information than this girl.

Sakura widened her eyes and close it tightly waiting for the painful impact.
Is this the end of me?... I'm gonna die just like this and the worse is that... I'm gonna die in the past-NO THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! I WON'T DIE IN THE PAST! I WON'T ALLOW IT!
Sakura wiggled out from his hold again.


Zetsu's smile widened as the Shuriken flew closer but his smile didn't last long as the first Shuriken transformed into Indra.
This time, It was Indra's turn to smirk.
"Hn, got tricked"

Before Zetsu could react, Indra punched him in his face and kicked his body.
Sakura gasped as she was thrown up in the air when Zetsu let go of her, BUT BEFORE SHE COULD LAND, Sasuke appeared in the blink of an eye, catching her in time.
He disappeared again and reappeared at the distance and put her down.
Then he was about to get up but a voice stoped him.
She grab his arm.
"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna help them"
He smirked.


Zetsu was thrown at the distance BUT BEFORE he could react, the second Shuriken flew in high speed and transform into Asura, who was already activating sage mode and holding a sky blue strong chakra that was formed into circle and smash it to his chest.
A smirking Indra and Sasuke appeared beside Asura, in the blink of an eye, so fast! Such a lightning speed, as a blue covered lightning emitted from their left hands and smash it to his body


Sakura was staring at them with wide eyes and jaw dropped... they we're so quick that her eyes can bearly keep up to their movements.


The three boys panted and stared at the black thing that didn't move anymore.

"Finally he's dead!"
Asura grinned
"That was a lot chakra indeed!"

Sasuke and Indra still glaring at Zetsu.
Suddenly the black thing started to move again, that made them all froze.

Ugh! Not again!
Asura glared

Sakura's breath hitched at the distance, as she saw Zetsu started to move again.
Her heart beat drummed to her chest as she felt her body trembled in fear.

"Better luck next time, I'll see you soon"
Black Zetsu said weakly but still smirking as he slowly disappeared down to the ground.

Asura growled

"Hn, don't worry, I'll tell our father about this"
Indra sighed


All of them sighed and walk towards Sakura.

"Are you fine now?"
Asura quickly asked her

She just nodded

"Come, let's go home"
Asura smiled and grab her arm while Sasuke grab the other one and slings it to their neck.


"It's dawn! I can see the sun rises!"
Asura exclaimed as he saw the sky, starting to change its colors.

"So beautiful!"
Sakura smiled happily
All the boys stared at her and their eyes softens, even the cold-hearted Indra.

Hn, she's really different from the others
Indra smirked

Asura said proudly that made Sakura blush


Indra bowed as they arrived on the front of their house.
Hagoromo was waiting at them outside with some of his assistants standing beside him.

"Good job of getting her"
Hagoromo smiled, Then he glanced to Sakura
"Are you fine now, Sakura?"
He asked softly

Ugh... my head hurts...
I felt numb
Sakura groaned in pain that made them all worry.
"Y-yes but-"
She didn't continue her sentences because she fainted.


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