•○¤Seals and Sunsets¤○•

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"Shure... why not?

It's your last hours together, so better treasure it!"


"What took you so long!"
Asura whinned
"I'm so worried about you, Sakura-chan!"
He sighed and stared the girl who just arrived in front of their door step with the Uchiha already standing beside her.

"Young master, your father wants to talk to you in his room this instant"
A woman bowed and informed Asura.


The three entered the room and saw Hagoromo and Indra already waiting.

"Sasuke, Sakura... I have something to talk to you"
Hagoromo said as the three of them sit down on the mat with cross-legs.

Sakura's heart was beating fast
I wonder what he's going to talk to us...
Did we did anything wrong?

"It's about the time travel issue"

As that words drop by
Sasuke and Sakura's eyes widened a bit

Is something bad will happen to us?
Sakura panicked slightly
They felt the atmosphere changed
Sakura and Sasuke held their breaths waiting at Hagoromo's next words.
"You can go back"

As that words drop to Hagoromo's mouth...
Both from the Future generation froze

"Actually, both of you can go back in your timeline last 3 days ago..."
Hagoromo sighed
"but unfortunately, Sakura got kidnapped and sick..."
He continued
"And... we can't perform the seal if Sakura's sick or unconscious. So we waited for her to get well"

"So soon"
Asura frowned
"So that means... I-I can't... see them... again"

Hagoromo sighed as he stared at his younger son.
"Yes...your right... you can't see them again"

Sakura stared at the younger Otsutsuki sadly

Indra who was silently seating in the room, finally talked, that caught all of their attention.
"Can we spend... last time with them... before they go back to their world?"
This was the first time in his whole life to ask like this to his father. Even Hagoromo was suprised at the sudden change of his older son's attitude. While Asura jaw dropped in shock. He was about to ask this but his older brother beat him to it and asked first!

Silence filled the air
Not until Hagoromo cut it.

"Hn, shure... why not?"
Hagoromo smiled slightly
"It's your last hours together, so better treasure it!"

"Yey! Thank you Father!"
Asura hugged his Father and in the blink of an eye he disappeared and reappeared beside Sakura and quickly grabbed her.

Hagoromo can't help but chuckled slightly at his youngest son as he dragged Sakura out, leaving Indra and Sasuke, who glared at Asura.

"Looks like, you two will be the first to talk to each other"
Hagoromo sighed as he saw both boys tense up. He knew that these two are not really in good terms.
"Better treasure the time..."
He said as he slowly rise up from his seat
"While I'll go out to the backyard to prepare the seal"
He informed the two and went out.


Sasuke and Indra stared each other

Both of them said in unison

Silence filled the air until...

Indra sighed and finally talk to his descendant
"Hn, Sasuke..."
He closed his eyes as he felt the Uchiha's gaze in him.
"I apologize on the way I act towards you before"
His pride was totally thrown off to the window as he said that words.

Sasuke was unsure and didn't know what to respond and remained silent.

"I know it's hard to believe... that I'm saying this words"
Indra opened his eyes
"... But I really mean it, my descendant"

Sasuke frozed at his last words

"Hn, yes... your my descendant... and I'm your ancestor. The first time I met you, I felt something weird and different to you... it was like we are connected to each other
That's when I realized that you are my descendant because both of us are almost similar in some ways."
Indra explained
"And it's easy to detect it... even my father knew it! Especially when you activated your Sharinggan before"

Suddenly Indra hugged him that caught Sasuke off gaurd.
"It's weird to admit but... I'll miss you, Uchiha. And... you better take care of HER"
Indra reminded him that made Sasuke smirk a bit because he already knew what he meant.


"Asura! Not too fast!"
She barely can keep up to his speed as he dragged her somewhere.

"Sorry, Sakura-chan!"
He halted as he scratched the back of his head while smiling sheepishly.

"It's fine"
Sakura smiled as she catches her breath
"So! What do you what me to see?"

Asura widened his eyes and blushed
How can I tell her this?!

Sakura can't help but giggled
He really reminds her of Naruto! The way he act around her... his energetic and cheerful attitude. So much like her blond-haired teamate!

"U-Uh... I-I just want to g-give you this"
Asura held out a small bracelet that he kept on his pocket for a long time.

Sakura's eyes widened
"A-Asura, it's a little bit too much!"
She said as she stared at the bracelet... it was simple but beautiful precious thing with small white diamond attached to it.

"It's okay, Sakura-chan!"
He smiled as put the bracelet around her small wirst as the sky around them slowly changed colors... from blue to violet... to reddish pink... to orange until... yellow. That's because the sun was setting down.
"It's my remembrance gift for you"
He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth... but it didn't last long.
"... You know that... I like you since when you step here in our timeline... since when I saw you in the first time."
He took a deep breath while fighting his tears not to fall down
"... I'll miss you... Sakura-chan"
He frowned
"I know, I wasn't suppose to feel this especially you came from the future and I'm from the past"
After that, he was taken a back at her next words and actions.

"It doesn't matter, Asura"
She hug him while he froze in shock
"And I'll miss you too"
She burry her face on his chest.
"Thank you for... everything!"

Not too long, Asura hug back


After that, the two broke apart and walk back to the house.

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