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Hagoromo froze as he heard what his son said

Someone took Sakura away!

"We need to find her, father!"
Asura exclaimed

Hagoromo sighed
"Yes, we really need too... but I can't go with you, I have to stay here"

"It's okay Father, the three of us will find her!"
Indra spoke up

"Right, I trust you three"
Hagoromo said in agreement
"Now go!"

Quickly, the three run back to the room.


We are supposed to go back to our timeline today but... she's not here!
The Uchiha stared at the green field outside the house.
Sakura... where are you?

"Hn, let's go!"
Indra said as he fixed his katana at his back

And with that, the three run to the forest.


Green eyes fluttered open...

Where am I?
She gasped as she stared around her
Seems like I'm inside a cave!
Her color drained as her heart beat accelerated.
Who took me here?!

"Ohhh... Your already awake..."
A deep voice said that made her froze in place
"... the girl from the future"

Her eyes widened
The stranger knows!
She bitted her lower lips as she felt her tears slowly slid down to her face.
Sasuke-kun... Where are you?


Where could she be?!
Sasuke sighed in furstration as he jump up from the ground to the highest branch of tree beside them and looked around.

Asura gasped in shock
"You! How did you do that?!"

Indra on the other hand widened his eyes a bit in suprise.
Future generations really are surprising
He muttered as he stared at Sasuke's feet intently.
Focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands.
He smirked at his discovery
Hn, Easy!

Sasuke just smirked to Asura

"Hey! Don't give me that look! I'm asking-"

Indra cut in and glared at his brother
"We are her to find her, not bickering around"

Asura sighed in defeat

"Okay, first, let's locate her chakra signature!"
Indra instructed and jumped high, landing skilfully on the branch below Sasuke's.
The Uchiha's eyes widened

Asura gasped in shock
He whinned

"Focus a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of your feet, and use that to climb a tree without using your hands."
Indra informed him flatly

How did he know it?!
Sasuke stared at Indra in disbelief

"Hn, Because I can easily detect and read anyone's moves"
Indra smirked as he read his suprised expression, that made Sasuke glared at him.

"Ok let's go!"
Asura grinned in victory as he jumped a branch without falling back.

"Hn, let's find her chakra signature!"
Indra said and started running and jumping from tree to tree and landing skilfully like it was nothing.

They made it easy...
Jumping without falling back in their first time,
while me and Naruto are struggling at this.
Sasuke stared at the two brothers intently as he follow behind them


Sakura's heart was beating loudly at her chest, she haven't saw the owner of the voice yet, but the voice alone already scared her to death.
Sasuke-kun... Indra-kun... Asura...
She prayed that one of the three will rescue her in this scary place.

"Don't worry little girl from the future, they will arrive here but..."
The stranger continued
"... they can't get you... because..."
He chukled darkly
"...they have to go through me first"

Sakura froze and her throat runs dry at what the stranger said.


Sasuke gritted his teeth, it's almost night and they still didn't find her!
He stared at sky as the sun slowly set down.

"I found her!"
Indra's eyes snapped wide open as he located her.
Just as I thought... that monster got her!
Indra gritted his teeth as his bloody red sharingan slowly turned on, blazing fury like fire.
He hate to admit it but... Honestly he was worried sick at the girl.
I'm not on my self anymore!
He sighed in annoyance, being worried is not in his vocabulary before, NOT until that weird pink haired girl come here from the future!
Hn, annoying

"Location lock! 5 meters at the east side, near the deep cliff!"
Asura informed them

Sasuke tensed a bit as he felt a disturbing dark chakra at Sakura's location.
Not good!
He gritted his teeth


"We need a plan before attacking there!"
Asura exclaimed

"Hn, Plan you say huh"
Indra smirked
"You'll be the decoy, while I'll attack him from behind and..."
He glance at Sasuke
"... and your be the one to get her"

"Hn, sound a great plan"
Sasuke smirked while Asura frowned

"Me? A decoy?!"
Asura whinned
"Why me?!"

"Because you just fit for it"
Indra replied flatly

Asura pouted and sighed in defeat


Emerald green eyes widened as the stranger revealed himself.
Sakura gasped in shock.
What kind of creature is that?!
She started to trembled in fear as she backed herself on the cave wall.


Three boys stared at the entrance as they hide themselves behind the big bush.

Indra signalled his younger brother to jump out.

Asura nodded and smirk
Time for action!


The weird looking creature started to walk closer to Sakura.
She stuttered
The weird looking creature just smirk and didn't listen to her.

A voice shout outed outside from the cave that made the weird looking creature halt.

The creature smirked
"It's my pleasure to meet you here, younger Otsutsuki"

Asura felt his breath hitch as he glared at the creature.
How does this thing knows my name?!
I never saw this creature before?
He gritted his teeth
"Shut up! Give her back to us!"
He glared at the creature

"Such a naive little boy"
The creature smirked
"You and your brother are so opposite to each other... I wonder where could your older brother be-"


Loud explosions was heard

The creature was thrown off to the opposite side of the cave.

"Miss me, black Zetsu?"

"Otsutsuki, Indra"
Black Zetsu growled at the smirking older Otsutsuki.

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