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"You can put her here"
A middle age woman nearly 50 years old said to Sasuke as she pointed him the floor mat bed.
"Young boy, Indra-sama and Asura-sama, can you go out please"

Asura pouted
He really want to stay here and be with Sakura

"Because I will change her clothes...
unless you want to help me change-"

"Okay! We'll go out!"
Asura cut in as he blushed in red like tomato and quickly dash out to the room.
Sasuke and Indra froze while fighting the blush that was about to crept out to their cheeks.

"Young boy and Indra-sama, do you want to help?"
The woman asked while fighting herself not to giggle at their faces.

"H-Hn, N-No"
Both stuttered in unison and widened their eyes as they realize that they are talking the same, that cause them to glare each other.

I will not tolerate such childish behavior
Indra reminded his self
And with that, he walked out leaving the Uchiha behind.

The woman asked again

"Hn, I will not help you change her but, can I have her small bag?"
Sasuke asked

The lady opened Sakura's skirt higher that revealed the small pouch pocket that was tied up around her upper left leg.


The woman untie the small bag and gave it to Sasuke, he wasted no time and quickly dash out to the room, that made the woman giggled


Hagoromo enetered the room silently
"How was she?"
He asked as he stared at the pinkette

"She's fine, Hagoromo-sama"
The woman bow
"I already change her"

"Thank you, you can go now"

The woman smiled and walk out

Hagoromo obeserved the small girl with his powerful rinegan eyes, she still wears the same clothes but it's already new.
Hm... I wonder what's her other abilities

Suddenly, the pinkette groaned as she slowly opened her eyes.
Wait... where am I? What happend?
Sakura panicked
Where is Sasuke-kun?!

"Your in the room because you fainted"
Hagoromo said as he readed her face expressions

Sakura jump a bit in suprise
She didn't notice there's another person inside the room. She really want to pummel herself for her stupidness, how come she didn't notice him?

"I-I'm sorry, Hagoromo-sama"
she blush in embarrassment
"I didn't notice you earlier"

"It's fine Sakura-"


Suddenly the door bust out open

The younger  Otsutsuki stumble his way to her and jump behind her.

"W-What happened?"
Sakura asked the boy behind her as she was unable to process it into her mind, she was really confused.
Hagoromo just sighed... sometimes, his son act like this, he even jump one of their servants.

Indra entered the room, glaring at his brother


(Flash backs: EARLIER after they all go out to Sakura's room)
Silence filled the Air and slowly it tensed up as Sasuke and Indra glared each other

Ashura broke it out as he remembered something.

"Hn, what?"
The older Otsutsuki asked flatly as he look away to the Uchiha and fixed his attention to his younger brother.

"Do you like Sakura-chan?"

"Why do you ask?"
Indra raised one of his brows
The pinkette's face flashed back to Indra's mind.

"Because of the way you act after she fainted at the training"
Asura pouted
If nii-san likes her, that means...
I have nooo chance at her because, if nii-san wants something, he definitely get it.


Hn? What does it even mean? Is it a yes or a no?
Ashura muttered confusly

Sakura is mine-I MEAN my teammate!
Sasuke glared at Indra and mentally groaned in furstration
I'm really acting weird now!

How about I'll just tease him! To know what's his real answer... IF he will be mad when I'll tease him, that means he like Sakura-chan BUT if not, well... abviously he doesn't like Sakura-chan at all!
An idea pop out of Asura's mind that made him grinned like an idiot.

"Soooo nii-san, do you like Sakura-chan?"


"Ooohhh I bet you like her"
Asura grinned
Indra glared at him
While Sasuke glared harder at Indra

Mmm... not enough reactions to identify if he truly likes her
Asura decided to tease him more
He was cut out as he felt Sasuke's and Indra's aura changed.
Well... I never expect it to come to this far
Asura gulped, he slowly stared at them, both eyes we're terrifying.
That's all that pop out of his mind
And he run

Indra followed behind, leaving the Uchiha.

Sasuke didn't follow them
Hn, it's only a childish teasing game, why should I fall for it? Besides, I have better things to do and I'm already used at it because of that dobe.
He mentally said as certain blonde gluttony ramen idiot came cross to his mind

Sasuke decided to check his teamate...
Little did he know that both of the Otsutsuki brother's are heading there.
(Falshbacks ends here)

"I have something to do"
Hagoromo sighed
he better do his work than to deal his sons, they are already teens, they can handle themselves now.
"Indra, don't scare your brother"
He said as he walk past to his older son then walk out.

As Hagoromo was out of sight, Indra's smirk widened that made Sakura's heart skipped a beat as she felt her body weak...
While Asura on the other hand, trembled as he felt his heart beat accelerate in nervousness.

I'm dead
Asura paled

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