•○¤Jealous Uchiha¤○•

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"Let's train back outside"
Hagorormo sighed as he cut in the silent atmosphere, no one talk even his younger son because of earlier.


(Flashbacks: Earlier)
"What happened?"
Hagoromo opened the door and saw all of the boys froze and Sakura was blushing.
"Sakura, what happened?"

"Ah-Ehh... Um... n-nothing happened!"
Sakura stuttered

"Then why are you blushing like that?"
He glance to the boys and glared at them.
Did they do something stupid to her?

Sasuke and Indra just sighed
While Asura paled.

"It's not-"

Asura cuts Sakura out

Eh! It's not a weird pink strap! It's my baby-bra pink strap!-wait we traveled back to the past so that means, it still didn't exist here-BUT STILL, THEY SAW IT! IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING!
Sakura glared at Asura as her blush deepen

"Weird pink strap?"
Hagoromo asked
"What's that?

Sasuke and Sakura widened their eyes and froze. Both of the knows what's that pink strap means.

"Eh... Ah... I-Its a female thing"
Sakura said while looking down to the floor.
She's so embarrassed now.
She wish the floor would open up and eat her.
(End of flashbacks)

"I'm gonna meet you, outside"
And with that, Hagoromo disappeared

Sakura slowly stand to her seat and walk away silently, she can feel all the boy's gaze that made her blush slightly. Her heart hammared inside of her chest... She's afraid to look to their faces beacuse of embarrassment.
Calm down Sakura... calm down...
She said to herself and quickly dash out, leaving the three.


Sasuke frowned...
He felt like being ignored and...
he didn't know WHY he felt like this!
He sighed in furstration
What's wrong with me?!
He's not like this before. It's like he was desperate of Sakura to talk with him. He's not used to be ignored by his pinkhaired teamate because she's the one who always clinged herself to him.
Maybe of what happend earlier
He clenched his fist as a thought suddenly pop out of his mind.
Hn... but it's her fault anyway, she's such an idiot, she knows that she's a girl so she should not behave like that especially she's sleeping with boys.... Tch! Annoying

It's my fault
Asura frowned

Hn, girls are so dramatic...
Indra mentally rolled his eyes

The three of them sighed and walk out, heading towards the training grounds


"Step forward, Indra... Sasuke"
Hagoromo said

Indra smirked

Hn, let's see who will win
Sasuke smirked

Ohhh this is good!
Asura grinned
He was excited to see them train

Sakura was holding herself not squeal in their front.
Her inner squealed in her mind.
Two boys... Boys that are similar to each other... both handsome boys!
I think Indra will win... No! SASUKE-KUN WILL WIN-NO... Ugh! I don't know who will win!
She sighed in furstration
Her eyes was forming into hearts while staring at the two.

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