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"What a great training!"
Asura jumped in to their house happily.

Sakura clapped her hands together
She walked beside Asura and whispered.
"... I think this two was not in a good mood"

Asura sighed
"I'll cheer them up, watch this"
He quickly walk beside Sasuke.

Asura called the two stoic boys and he started dancing like a crazy kid, wiggling his butt and flapped his hands like a bird.

Sakura widened her eyes in shock and burst out laughing while clutching her stomach.

Sasuke just pass him, ignoring them all and silently went inside the house.

Asura pouted
"He didn't even smile!"

Sakura just giggled
Asura proceed to his older brother and did the same as he did to Sasuke.

Indra groaned in annoyance
"You better stop that now or they will think that you're out of your mind"
And with that, he walk in the house leaving the two.

"It never work on them"
Sakura sighed
"Come let's go inside"
She said as she pulled the pouting Asura.
He really remind her with the certain blonde teamate.
It sound weird but... I think I miss him...
It's been two days since we're here
Sakura sighed
Naruto... I wonder what your doing now


A loud mouth blond screamed in happiness, that startled his partner, which was the shy Hyūga heiress.

Hinata squeaked

"Oh sorry for scaring you, Hinata-chan!"
Naruto rubbed the back of his head
"I'm just too happy beacuse we already found the silver black rock!"
He showed her the rock

Hinata smiled and looked at their list
"Three more to go!"
She informed him

Naruto grinned like an idiot


Sasuke sneezed as they walk back to Asura and Indra's bedroom
He mentally growled as the certain blond idiot came to his mind
That idiot is talking about me again

Sakura giggled at his side while Asura laughed and Indra smirked.

"So here's your stop, Sakura"
Indra pointed a room across theirs
"Father said that you will sleep a different room to avoid what happened last night"

Sakura's heart beated fast, she never slept alone in a different place before.
She stuttered
Suddenly she felt nervous, she looked at Sasuke and bitted her lower lip.

Sasuke notice this and sighed

"Hn, let's go inside"
Indra informed them
"Good night... Sakura"
He said without looking at her and enter to the opposite room.

"Good night, Sakura-chan!"
Asura grinned as he hugged her, that caught her off gaurd.

"E-Eh... G-Good night too... Asura"
She stuttered a bit and blushed

After that, he give her one last smile and enter to the opposite room, leaving Sasuke and her.

"Sasuke... I..."

"Don't... be afraid"
He said as he looked at her emerald green eyes.
I'm acting weird...
He mentally groaned

Sakura smiled and hugged him, that caught him off gaurd.
"As long as your here... Sasuke-kun"
She smiled, while he frozed in place

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