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'The Happy Hotel, a place for sinners to be rehabilitated. Business had picked up in the last week, all was going surprisingly well'

'Atleast that's what Charlie had hoped would happen, so far the only tenants are herself, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Nifty and Alastor'

'The place was practically dead much to Charlie's disappointment, however she still kept up her Hope's that things would change'

'She may be the princess of hell but she has her code of morals she is determined to follow'

'With Vaggie's help Charlie had begun to refurbish the parts of the hotel that Alastor hadnt changed so far, turning the once decaying building into a surprisingly well decorated building'

'However most things are yet to improve, such as the boring state of affairs the hotel is in, While Charlie wanted to stay in incase someone showed up she had to admit that the lack of anything happening. Was rather boring'

'Alastor had been popping in to check if the state of affairs had changed, much to his amusement every time he checked in, it hadn't'

'Despite his antics Alastor had actually been rather good company, much to Charlie's surprise however'

'Due to his age Alastor was quite the well of knowledge, and seemed to enjoy lengthy conversations'

'Despite his murderous tendencies he wasnt all that bad'

'Then there was Angel Dust, while yes he was chaotic at times, he did have a streak of kindness in him'

'One specific time when Charlie was in the dumps metaphorically, Angel did try to cheer her up, not with much success however'

'Apparently Angel had a pet pig, whom he named "Fat nuggets" with Charlie's permission Angel had brought the pig into the hotel. Angel was a surprisingly responsible pet owner'

'Husk hadnt changed at all, he is still the same angry drunk he was when Alastor first pulled him through space and time'

'Nifty was by far the most energetic of the group, even managing to put Charlie's excitement to shame at times'

'Nifty did however have one rather annoying flaw, she was an absolute clean freak'

'She was always cleaning somthing, even if she had cleaned it the day or even the hour prior'

'It wasnt clear if she was like that just because its who she is, or if she is just as bored as everyone else'

'Vaggie had been trying her best to be supportive of her partner but she was clearly feeling the strain of failure'

'On top of her already fiery temper she had become much more irritable, the only person really being able to comfort her being Charlie'

'At the moment however Charlie finds herself sitting at the reception desk reading somthing on her phone, clearly bored as it was later in the day. There wasnt even anyone coming to the hotel to harras her'

'Due to this Charlie had mostly been playing on her phone or eating some form of Chinese food she ordered, the meat likley being from the purge'

'Charlie was brought out of her daze by a loud knock at the door to the hotel, causing her to jump to her feet, having nearly dropped her phone'

'After playing a short game of metaphorical hot potato with her phone she manages to catch it before quite literally jumping over the reception desk'

'After standing infront of the door for a making sure she was presentable she firmly grasps the door handle before opening it, a welcoming smile on her face'

Charlie: "Welcome to the Happy Hotel! How may I....."

'Charlie had been expecting another demon to be standing infront of the door, yet no one was there'

'Instead a pitch Black metal cradle of some sort is sitting infront of the building, sitting on three wheels'

'Charlie looks around in confusion, looking for the person who had left it there'

'After hesitating for a moment Charlie walks around to the handle of the cradle before pushing it inside, having noticed the attention it had attracted'

'Once inside the hotel Charlie closes the door, pausing to look at the cradle in utter confusion'

*To Be Continued*

The Smallest Hell spawn (A Hazbin Hotel Side Story)Where stories live. Discover now