Chapter One- Family

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Vaggie: "I don't know about this....I mean he hates me!" 'Vaggie says having started pacing infront of Charlie's desk. A rare moment of panic coming over her'

Charlie: "Vaggie he dosent hate you! He's just....well defensive" 'Charlie says placing her hands on Vaggie's shoulders softly'

Vaggie: "I.....I dont know Charlie..." 'Vaggie says with hesitance in her voice'

Charlie: "Hey, trust me. Things will work out. He'll come around, just give him some time" 'Charlie says taking Vaggie's hands in her own, a reassuring smile on her face'

Vaggie: "Allright....I guess it's better than the alternative" 'Vaggie says as Charlie leads her over to the desk, handing her a pen'

'Vaggie takes the pen and carefully signs her name onto the stack of papers infront of her, right next to Charlie's'

'After Vaggie places down the pen she receives a rather giddy hug from Charlie before she picks up the stack of papers, placing a paper clip on them to hold them together'

Charlie: "I have to go run this d-"

Vaggie: "Babe, I think I should do that. I know you said to give him time but...he does still hate me right now" 'Vaggie says gently taking the papers from Charlie, earning a sigh from her'

Charlie: "Fine..I guess you're right" 'Charlie says begrudgingly letting go of the Papers earning a light smile from Vaggie'

Vaggie: "Allright, I'll be back soon" 'Vaggie says walking out of the office leaving Charlie to her own devices'

'After a few moments of sitting around doing nothing Charlie gets up, having remembered she is yet to set up Ryker's Crib'

'While she wasnt exactly thrilled about putting it together she was happy that Ryker will be having a more comfortable sleeping situation'

'However once Charlie found her way to the small side room off of her and Vaggie's bedroom where she was planning to set up a room for Ryker, she found him already there'

'He had curiously opened the box, somehow managing to rip the top open, currently having a large portion of cardboard stuck on the horn ontop of his head'

'Charlie couldnt help but find herself stifle a laugh as she watched the young Hell Spawn curiously look at the box, catching his attention'

'Ryker curiously tilts his head while moving back down to his hands and feet before crawling over to Charlie, still not being able to walk'

Charlie: "What are you doing up here mister?" 'Charlie asks curiously as she takes the peice of cardboard that had been impaled on one of his horns'

'Ryker shakes his head for a moment before letting out a high pitched rumble as he places his hands on Charlie's knee, letting himself stand up slightly'

Charlie: "Really?" 'Charlie asks as she crouches Down slightly, pretending to understand Ryker'

'Ryker continues to make a series of vocalizations directed towards Charlie, who listens intently as Ryker climbs up onto her lap'

Charlie: "No way! did he really say that?" 'Charlie asks with an amused smile, earning another softer rumble to come from Ryker as he tilts his head'

Charlie: "You're adorable" 'Charlie says poking Ryker's nose. Once again causing him to shake his head before Charlie places him on the ground, walking over to the open box'

Charlie: "Okay! Time to get to work" 'Charlie states proudly before sitting the box upright, pulling out the instructions along with the screw driver she was carrying with her'

'As Charlie worked on constructing the crib and the box became gradually more empty Ryker watched curiously from beside her'

'However his attention was quickly brought to the large empty box beside Charlie, or rather the shadow inside the box'

'After getting up from his sitting position Ryker crawls over to the box curiously looking at the shadowy interior before diving into it quietly, sitting in the darkest part of it, the only visible part of him being the glow coming from his eyes and horns'

'Once finished putting the crib together Charlie sighs in relief stopping to admire her work'

'While the crib was small it wa certainly big enough for Ryker, the wood being painted a dull gray color along with the small mattress it came with'

Charlie: "Okay! What do you think bud-"

'Charlie had cut herself off noticing Ryker's disappearance, a slight twinge of panic creeping up her spine, that was untill she heard the box to her left move slightly'

'With a confused glance Charlie looks inside the box, having crouched down to the side to see the interior of it'

'With a light Chuckle she notices Ryker sitting inside the box, he had positioned himself to be directly in the shadows of it and he seemed quite content if anything'

Charlie: "What're you doing in there?" 'Charlie asks with a chuckle, earning a quiet hum from Ryker, as if he were trying to be stealthy'

'Charlie lifts the box into an upwards position causing Ryker to pop up out of the top, placing his hands on the edge of the box, earning a light smile from Charlie'

Charlie: "Look, this for you!" 'Charlie says turning the box slightly causing Ryker's attention to be directed towards the Crib'

'After a moment Ryker tips the box over causing him to fall out of it landing flat on his stomach. After shaking his head being slightly dazed from the impact Rykwr manages to crawl his way over to the crib'

'Charlie watches as Ryker carefully makes his way up the crib, being a surprisingly adept climber'

'After climbing his way up the Crib Ryker climbs inside patting the mattress a few times out of curiosity'

'Charlie watches with a smile as Ryker lays down onto the matress, sinking into it slightly, clearly enjoying the soft surface'

'For a moment Charlie let's out an audible yet quiet squeal before reaching behind her, pulling out the small Blanket that was in Ryker's cradle'

'After Charlie places the blanket on Ryker, managing to cover him completely Ryker's head pokes out from under it before he stands up, using the crib's wall as support as he looks at Charlie'

'Ryker let's out a soft hum as he bumps his head against Charlie's chin, resting his own chin on the edge of the Crib'

Charlie: "You are literally only a hell spawn in name. arent you?" 'Charlie asks softly earning a smile from Ryker'

*To Be Continued*

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