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Hey Future me,

Sometimes getting away is the best option, sure I'm going to miss my friends back in the 'burgh, but the steel mills get boring after a while. And besides the Blue Line makes the trip from Manhattan to downtown once every other week, it will be easy to keep in touch with Olivia, Wendy and the others. At least I keep telling myself that. Besides it's not like Pittsburgh was all fun and games anyway, there are things I am escaping. Like I am ecstatic to not live by the Donald's anymore. Their son was super creepy and they ran a butcher. Let's just say I don't eat meat anymore. Or like my Grandparent's who think school is a waste of time and I just need to find a nice boy to take care of me. If I want to be a lawyer I have to go to school, it's simple. It isn't all books for me either, I have always had a love for dancing and sewing. What better place for opportunity than New York City. Sure my mom running away with Tod wasn't ideal but hey it got me out of town. And I get to move in with my Dad's sister, Aunt Medda. I never really got to know that side of the family because he died when I was little.

I don't know why I told you all of this about me, me. You already know because, you are me. It's just this one way ticket thing really has me reflecting. I hope New York is as good as I need it to be. Talk to you later, your past self, (Y/N)(Y/L/N).

I close my new journal as I gaze out the window. I see nothing but fields around me. The view is nice but it isn't what I like. It would be so boring just living out in the middle of no-man's-land.

I look down at the rose dress I am sewing for my Aunt Medda, she runs this singing club in Manhattan, and she has always commissioned me to make her dresses. This time I just get to deliver it in person. Aunt Medda has always taken a liking to me even though we have never met. She would always write me and send me pictures of New York. Even though she wasn't on good terms with my mom she didn't let that affect our relationship.

I hope she is nice in person though. Of course she is (Y/N), she paid for a train ticket from Pittsburgh to New York she adopted you, of course she is nice. I pick up my thread and finish the last hem. I hope it fits Aunt Medda, I lost my measuring tape a few months ago and I have just been basing all of my measurements off myself.

I start adding some sequins to the dress just to spruce it up a little. The colors are slightly off but under the stage lights no one should be able to tell. I look up after I notice that my light source is diminishing. Guess I got a little too into sewing. I look out the window as I slowly nod off.

I wake up to the pungent smell of the person sitting next me. When did he get here, we must have made a stop when I was asleep. Looking around the compartment for a second I realize that quite a few people have entered the once empty room. As I gaze out the window trying to ignore the stench of the man beside me I notice the once rural scenery has disappeared and was replaced by building after building. I quickly take out the photos Aunt Medda has been sending me when I realized that I have made it. I'm in New York.

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