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Dear Future Me 08/02/1889
We have won the strick, the price of the paper was lowered and the distributors will buy back the papers they don't sell. I have never seen Spot so happy, he is beaming. I've also never been happier, everything is going so well. Don't tell Spot but I think I am going to start saving to get Spot a building for his restaurant he wants to run. It might be a long time until we can finally afford it, but it will be worth it. I mean he can't be a newsies forever and I can't dance forever so we will have to move to bigger things eventually. However right now I am fine just living in the moment with him.
Later, past you

Dear Future Me 01/01/1900
The turn of the century, I am so excited. These past six months with Spot have been amazing. Sure as the weather got colder people got more miserable, but somehow whenever I see Spot our living situation goes away. I am eager to start this new century with him.

Dear Future Me 07/30/1901
Spot proposed! It was just a normal date in Central Park, a picnic. We were watching the sunset when I turned around and I saw him. He was smiling at me, on one knee with a simple band and a small sapphire on it, the black box being open. It couldn't be more perfect.
To top everything off, I think I am on track to purchase a property in about a year.
Talk to you soon, past you

Dear Future Me 05/13/1902
My wedding is tommorow, Wendy and Olivia are in town for it. Tommorow Spot will be my husband. The wedding is small, just the newsies and a few of my friends from back home. Although the wedding is still small it is still expensive, I had to cut into the restaurant savings. I am getting scared though, we are going to be kicked out of the lodging house soon. I think I am going to pick up a second job to get the restaurant sooner. However right now I am focused on marrying Spot.
See you soon, future Mrs. Conlon

Dear Future Me 11/14/1902
We are on the final stretch for getting the restaurant. I might of let something slip about the restaurant. The smile on his face was worth the wait though. He got suspicious after I started shinning shoes and my lies just got more elaborate until I couldn't lie any more. Thus I told him, and he was through the moon.
Talk soon, past you

Dear Future You 03/19/1904
We had a miracle, a child. I never though I could be a mother, but then he was born. Atticus is doing well. He was born yesterday, however as soon as he was born Spot basically stole him from me. I can tell I am going to have to fight for our babies attention. Atticus has Spot's eyes. We also got a restraunt with an apartment by the docks in Brooklyn. Life couldn't be going better.
Until next time, past you

Dear Future You 06/04/1909
The restaurant is the busiest spot in town. Spots cooking is amazing, and sometimes Atticus tries to help. Life is going great I don't think I could be happier.
I don't think I need to assess my thoughts anymore, so this is going to be my last entry. This journal got me though a lot but I don't need it anymore. It will be nice to look back on but I don't need to add more. So I guess this is it.
Good-bye, past you.

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