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As the sun starts to set Irving hall just gets busier. I walk out of my room and right into a rather beautiful girl about my age. "Oh, my I am so sorry" I say, offering her a hand to get up off the floor.

" Yoose fine, goil." She states in an extremely thick New York accent. "I'm Claire, and whose you." Claire says taking my hand and brushing off her dress.

"(Y/N), I just moved here from Pittsburgh" I state trying to explain my voice without being too obvious about it.

"Well's if you need help with anything I'se always love halpin newcomers" she says briefly looking down, eyeing a rip in her blue dress."Oh shit, the one day I do not bring my thread" Claire simply says.

This is my opportunity to make a friend, "I have some in my room, come here" I say motioning her towards my door.

She fixes her own dress, luckily it ripped along the seam so the fix is unnoticeable. She is good at sewing. We really did have some bonding time. Maybe making friends will not be too difficult.

Soon after she fixes her dress she has to go because her performance is coming up. I am debating going up to watch her but I ultimately decided to study some New York State laws. I want to familiarize myself with them like I did with Pennsylvania's.

However the two days of traveling begin to catch up with me and I fall asleep at the vanity I am using as a desk. Wow, the first night in a new city and I didn't even sleep on the bed.

The next day Aunt Medda shakes me awake way too early. Something to do with her going downtown for the day. She wants me to explore on my own or something like that. She then leaves the room and that is when I realized the pain in my back: lesson learned do not sleep like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

I start to head upstairs to Aunt Medda's apartment with my outfit in hand. It was a simple baby blue skirt with an off white button up I was planning on tucking into it, with a statement brown belt with gold detailing. After freshening up, and washing off a bit I start to head out on an exploration. Almost immediately I am greeted with a newsboy trying to sell me a paper.

"Hello there, pretty lady, could I interest you in a pape and a dinner" the boy towers over me even though he was quite average in height.

"Sorry, who are you?" I say as sassy as possible. Maybe here I will stand up for myself and not get walked all over.

The boy is taken aback by what I said. He must not be used to rejection often, "Kelly, Jack Kelly. And what are you'se doing in a place like New York" he says he must have realized my accent.

He is the boy Aunt Medda was talking about yesterday. I think for a second on a witty reply, "Trying to make a home, cowboy" I say, noticing his hat resting on his back.

"I'se might of found a match for the wittiest person in New York" he chuckles slightly.

"Don't flatter yourself, you were not hard to beat" I laugh lightly. He also gives a little bit of a chuckle.

"Oh, you'se musn' t of been to Brooklyn goily" he says, "you'll fit in rather well".

I tell him about my connection with Medda, just to inform him that we will be seeing a bit more of each other.

But with that I make my way towards the Brooklyn bridge.

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