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My sleep is disturbed by Spot leaving the bed. All of me wants to fall back asleep, but I should see Spot out. I stretch and sit up in his bed, this causes him to turn around. He was searching on the floor for shirt, this room is a mess. A burst of confidence waves over me as a stand up and slowly start unbuttoning his top I was wearing.
"Wear this one" I say, taking off the shirt completely revealing my underwear, "Good luck selling papes". With that I crawl back into bed under the covers.
He just stares at me in awe still. His entire face is tomato red, and you can see how flustered he is. After a while he pops on his hat and pulls up his suspenders to go out the door to wake up the boys. Once he is out the door I decide to put on my skirt and the top that goes with it. I look out the window and the once dark sky is beginning to turn orange. I go out the window and climb the fire escape to the roof and watch as the dark sky turns to day.
Out of the corner of my eye is see the boys start to leave and Spot and I make brief eye contact. His smirk is very prominent and he gives me a wink while continuing his path to the distribution center. He is too much sometimes, a good too much. When the sun is finally done rising I head back inside to talk to Edith before I head back to the court house. While walking down the stairs I notice her hunched over the sewing machine patching someone's pants. We talk for a while before I head over to the court house.
I practically run to the boulevard and into the criminal division of the court house. Quickly gazing over the cases I find the case I saw yesterday, has been delayed again. The prosecuting attorney was murdered, and they are currently trying to find another lawyer to take over the case. This is why I refuse to do criminal law. However the murder of the attorney ruins my mood, so I decide to skip out on today's court cases.
Where to go today, should I just wonder aimlessly? No, I should surprise Spot at while he is selling. Luckily he sells relatively close to here.
The docks are extremely crowded today, must be good for business. Gazing though the crowd I hear is voice screaming a, probably fake, headline. The voice seems to be growing distant, he must be on the move. Pushing my way though the crowd of people I see Spot walking though the crowd, selling papers as he walks. I also notice his hickey prominently on his neck. I almost feel bad, almost. Mine is able to be covered by my hair. My thoughts are interupped by him screaming "Last Pape, on the Trolley Massacre". Last paper? It is just past noon, how can he be almost done?
Making my way though the few people in my way I say, "I take it". He jumps around smirking.
"Aren't you'se full of surprises today" he is says walking towards me, "only a penny".
I casually unbutton the first two buttons on his shirt. What has gotten into me? "You have a little something right about here" I say, motioning to the mark on his neck.
"If I'se not mistakin' you'se gotta matchin' one" his Brooklyn accent becoming expecially thick. He pushes my hair behind my ear revealing my hickey, "who's the lucky fella".
"Really just this asshole, but he has potential. Wears these obnoxious red suspenders" I say, snapping his suspenders against his chest, "he carries a pimp cane around, and a big ol' power complex". We are so close, but the people in the street just keep walking by. But to me time has stopped and it is just Spot and me. "What lucky lady gave you yours" I practically whisper in his ears.
He lets out a deep chuckle before saying anything, "a real pain in my ass. Oh, but she's a sight for sore eyes so she can get away with it".
Before I can say anything an old man pokes his shoulder buying his last paper. The tension of the situation deflates so we just walk to Spot's 'throne' in silence. Once we make it there we just talk about anything. Mostly about the ocean.
"Wanna swim later tonight" I ask him.
His eyes light up and he nods like a toddler. Speaking of toddlers, Zoom and Toes walk up to Spot and me asking me to continue our lessons. Spot and I exchange mutual glances as I head inside to begin my lesson. Zoom and Toes are fast learners and are also extremely eager to learn as well. The more time I spend with them the more I feel like their mom, but in a good way. I am probably the closest thing they have to a mom anyway, the least I can do is treat them like my child. The sun begins to set so most of the boys are back now. Spot comes back last, as usual and we all just have fun in the common area. Edith keeps looking over and smiling at me. Her smile is so contagious, all she wants is the best for all of these boys, and it is beautiful.
Finally the night is coming to a close and all of the guys are going to bed, and this is when Spot reminds me it is time for a swim. I have not be this excited to swim ever.

Out of Town: A Spot Conlon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now