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Dear future me,

How are you doing doing? Currently I'm doing great, everything just seems to be working out. My ankle is feeling leaps and bounds better, I have been icing it every night. Also, I have also been working on my dancing. Not anything to extensive, just enough to maintain some skills. Spot and I have been going on walks rather regularly, of course we might have to stop and sit down, but it's amazing. The only thing I miss doing is walking to Brooklyn to meet Spot. But with my ankle healing I can probably, easily go over. To be honest I can walk over now, if it is an emergency and most likely be fine, but I want my ankle to heal so I can be en pointe as soon as possible.
I have also been going to the court house regularly, following some cases. The Appellate Supreme Court is in town looking at a few cases. They are extremely interesting, most of them are expedited too, so they only have about a minute or two to present their cases. All of the cases are civil, mostly featuring divorce, or property disputes. I'll have to bring Spot to some hearings at some point. He would hate it, but he would go for me. Well, the Appellate Supreme Court is leaving soon, so I want to show him some of those cases. And if we are lucky there might be jury trial that day. He would like that, the bustle in the room, the tention, the objections, and witnesses. He would love it, okay maybe I love it.
But I don't want to do criminal law because it's dangerous. If you loose a case, you might die, if you defend the wrong person you might die. Even though I dream big, I still have some senses.

Well best wishes, your past self

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