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Once all the newsies were in bed it was finally time for us to catch some z's. I take of my skirt revealing the baby blue slip I have on. Spot is not so secretly staring at my ass. "My eyes are up here bud" I say, with a blush going across my cheeks. He rolls his eyes and pats the bed motioning for me to lay down with him. However, the noise catches the attention of the small kitten at it takes my spot. This causes me to to have a giggle fit, and I pick up the cat so I can lay down. The kitten makes itself comfortable in-between the two of us.
"This is how I became da king of Brooklyn" he says, taking me aback. He is really going to tell me how he came to power."da key is self-sufficiency, and not just be able ta fight. I can provide for da boys, and make it hard for them to disobey. Of course this comes with the stigma of bein' feared, but also I gets respected" after telling me a rather normal story all I can think about it why. Why was is such a big deal that is lead to fight?
"Why wouldn't you tell me that earlier?" I quiz.
He takes sigh, "Well I neva told anyone before, I thoughts you might use it against me" he looks me in the eyes, "but I cans trust you. I realize that now." I am blushing like a mad man, but with the candles burnt out he can't see it. "I was also afraid of goin' soft. Losin' everything I worked so hard to get. The solo room, but more importantly my reputation. It's hard ta keep up, but if I can't handle a little push back for havin' a girl I shouldn't have it"
We talk for about an hour before I fall asleep with my head in the crook of his neck and out legs tangled together, the kitten sleeping in the mess somewhere. I feel safe in Spot's arms, it reminds me that someone is here for me. Before fully drifting off I whisper "I care about you, too much for my own good." This causes him to open his eyes and kiss the top of my head.
"I'll protect you'se from anything" he kisses the top of my head again, "even if the sky starts fallin' nothin' will change between us, I'se promise." This time I look up and kiss his nose, looking at him dead in the eyes. Even in the dark his blue eyes stare right into mine. This is perfect it feel perfect, us cuddling with a new kitten, and just the rain pouring outside. Nothing could make this moment better. He starts to play with my hair, running his fingers though it, undoing some of the curls Claire had put in. I do the same to his hair, messing it up until I am content, resting my hands on the back of his neck. This is perfect, I kiss his nose again, but this time warenting a response.
"You missed" he simply says into my ear. He gently kisses me, I pull on his neck not wanting him the kiss to end. It isn't my first kiss, but it is definitely the best. Now, nothing can make this better.
Waking up in Spot's arms again is refreshing, I miss it. But he is still asleep, I take this as an opportunity to pepper his face with kisses until he stirs awake.
"Mornin' beautiful" he says giving me a quick peck on the lips, giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"Good morning handsome" I say messing up his hair, and floofing it up. It is still pouring outside but the fog has cleared up completely. However, I still do not feel comfortable enough walking back to Manhattan. And I don't want to sell papers in the rain. So I don't really know what I am going to do. As Spot is getting ready to wake up the boys, I sneak down stairs to talk to the lady who runs the lodging house. She is a sweet old lady named Edith, she immigrated from Italy and came here to run away from the Sicilian mob. She also takes pride in having the best lodging house out of all the boroughs, all of the other houses have one large upper floor from wall to in bunk beds. This lodge has 7 rooms one single, and two triple rooms with bunk beds, and four rooms with three bunk beds and single on the side. She also helps tries to make them dinner every so often to keep their spirits up. She is the nicest old woman I have ever met. We were talking for about two hours when an idea came to mind. We should make lemonade of the boys after they finish selling. Edith takes a liking to this idea and we start squeezing lemons right away. The dreary weather is all the more reason to make fresh squeezed lemonade. After about another hour the boys start piling in, downing the lemonade. Some of the little ones give us hugs while the other ones just say thank you. All of the boys seem to be back by now, except for Spot. Edith loans me her umbrella so I can find him. I do not want him getting hypothermia in the middle of June. Even though the fog was clear it is still hard to see with the rain pouring down like it is. The harbor seems to be overflowing, and the river seems to be at a record high. I see a boy with a pimp in the distance. That has to be Spot, as I get closer I notice the red suspenders and my suspicions were answered. He seems to be talking to someone, who I recognize to be Jack Kelly. There is no use in hiding to find out what they are talking about so I just walk over to them.
"Hey is everything okay?" I ask, trying to distribute the umbrellas coverage evenly.
Spot steps closer to me to get a little bit more warmth wrapping his arms around me. This is when Jack says, "Medda is worried sick back home, bout you (Y/N). Same thing wit Claire," he grabs my wrist earning a glare from Spot, "You'se need ta come back wit me."
I break free of his grasp, "it's a two hour walk from here, I'll be soaking" I argue.
"Yeah, yeah, I'se made this walk ta get you and I am not leavin' empty handed," Kelly rebuttals, "Fine but I have to grab something first" I say. Spot, and Jack follow me to the lodging house where I get the grey kitten. And prepare it for it's wet journey ahead of it. That's it, the kitten shall be named stormy. "How about Stormy for the name" I say looking at Spot.
He gives me a smirk, "a little on the nose don't you think." I give him a kiss on the nose and we meet back up with Kelly. When he sees the kitten, he gives us an eye roll.
"You'se two are unbearable" Jack claims.
I just give Spot a hug goodbye and I am on my way back to Manhattan.

Out of Town: A Spot Conlon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now