Chapter 15

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Clem's POV

Violet looked at Louis worried and then looked over to clementine. "What's wrong who's Erin?" She asked looking over to Louis as her smile faded. "Can someone answer me" she said.

Just then a squeal was heard behind them and a blonde haired girl with colored braces ran up to them. "Oh my god I've missed you guys so much" said the unknown girl. She walked around hugging violet then Marlon. She stopped in front of Louis with a big smile. "I've missed you so much Lou-bear" she said as she ran up to him a hugged him. "Lou-bear?" Clementine said scoffing. "Hi I'm Erin" she said walking up to me.

"And you are..." she started "clementine" I added. "And what are your relations to Louis" I asked her with a fake laugh.

General POV
Louis could see the hurt in her eyes that she was trying to hide. "I'm, well was his girlfriend hopefully still am" she said with a smile. "Well you're not sorry. I am" Clem said bluntly looking over at Louis. "Excuse me?!" She said with a scoff. "A-a did I stutter" she said walking up next to Louis. Just then the Bell rang signaling class had started. Clem began to walk next to Louis and stood right next to him. She intertwined her fingers with his expecting him to return the gesture.

Instead he shook his hands to signal her to let go. Clementine was in absolute shock. "You should go to class Clem." He said staring at the ground in shame. It was obvious even violet and Marlon were shaken by his response. "Are you serious" she said as her eyes bloomed red and glossy. But she refused to go through this again. She was convinced that he did not love her whatsoever. "Yes Clem please go I'll talk to you later I promise" he told her reaching to grab both of her hands. But she backed away. That absolutely shattered his heart. "No you're not don't even bother looking for me Louis,  obviously your full of shit. I hope you're happy bye bye" she said walking away with violet and Marlon looking like an absolute bad bitch. But deep down it hurt her a lot. Little did she know Louis was heartbroken. He was gonna resolve things with Erin because although Clem doesn't believe it he loves her more than he loves himself.

Louis POV
"Well now that that's over and done with Lou." Erin spoke walking over to me and throwing her hands over my shoulders. Just then Clem looked back. Eyes wide she looked at the ground and then straight ahead. "No Erin stop you heard her she's my girlfriend what we had is gone". I said sternly removing her hands and taking a step back. "What does she have that I don't" she said "Everything, that girl is my everything. She's beautiful, smart, funny and badass" I said tearing up. "And I probably just fucked up any chance I had with her" I muttered. "Let's face it Lou she doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone better-" she said as I cut her off "No Erin I don't deserve someone like her." "We can be friends if u want but that's it" I continued "well duh I came back for you guys" she explained "well I'm going to class care to walk me" she questioned "no" I simply replied as I walked away. "Wait" she said I turned around as she jumped into my arms and kissed me. It was different from what I share with Clem. A difference I don't like. In shock I continued to walk to class.

Clem's POV
He did that he really did that. I really didn't think he would hurt me again. I'm done with boys I'm done with all this drama. I won't let myself fall as deep as I did these last few weeks. From now on there are three rules I have to follow till the end of senior year. No boys. No drama. No heartbreak.

A/N: Ive been stuck on what to write for a while and composed this shitty chapter. Please feel free to leave comments on ideas I could really use it your ideas.

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