2.4K 150 243


I quickly went back to the apartment after meeting with Kelly and travled back to the bedroom to the retrieve the envelope. Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to count the money in full; shocked was an understatement when the stack was not a dollar short of the 15k he proposed. There was no surprise that I couldn't fit the money into my designer clutch, so I simply took it with me in the envelope and headed back downstairs to the dining area. The leftover mess from breakfast seemed like a fleet to clean since I was in a clutch for time to retrieve Aaliyah from school, so I pulled out my phone and dialed my trusted cleaning crew to come and make this space sparkling clean.

My heels sounded against the marble flooring and I locked the front door before taking the elevator down to the lobby and walking straight to my car. In route, Aaliyah decided to give me a call.

"Ma are you close?"

"Not exactly, I'm about 15-20 minutes away."

She smacked her lips, "Mommm you know I'm out at 3 .. and it's so cold out here!"

"Then wait inside, Aaliyah. I had some business to handle but I'm on my way; don't rush me." I scolded her. I honestly couldn't wait for her to turn 16 so that I could buy her her own car and she could stop ruining mine; come to think of it, this currency exchange from Jay could definitely put toward it.

"Fine." She spoke in monotone. I hung up the phone and shook my head at her evident attitude.

When I made it to the pick up line, she rushed to my car and said nothing as she placed her seatbelt over her chest.

"Aaliyah don't make me put you out this car and walk home. I'm not Rue, you speak to me when you see me."

"I'm sorry, hi mom." She spoke after a moment of silence.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I don't feel good.."

"Physical or mental?"

"Physical, my cycle came on unexpectedly and I was so unprepared." I gave her a look over and did indeed notice her jacket wrapped around her waist; that explains why she was cold.

When the car came to the stop at a red light, I gently caressed her now straighten hair. "Then I apologize for being stern with you earlier, but when things like this happen I rather you alert me that you'll be in a shitty mood then just be flat out rude to me, okay?" I explained in a soft tone.

"Yes ma'am."

"God I hate when you call me that, I'm not Tina.." My comment caused her to laugh loudly and I felt good elating her mood.

"Now that you say it, I actually miss grandma. Can we please stop by before going home?"

I sighed playfully, "If you insist." I made a quick detour and headed to my mother's house that was located just on the outskirts of the city.  When we pulled into her driveway, her brown golden doodle Lucky spotted us quickly and began to bark and scratch at the door.

"Lucckky!" Aaliyah cooed once he came running toward her after my mom opened the door. She looked at us in shock and I prepared myself for her smart comments.

"Well look who remembered they had a mother and grandmother!" She chastised us. I playfully rolled my eyes before giving her a big hug.

"Hey mama, how are you?"

"Never better now that I see my babies!" Aaliyah was next in line to give her hug and she made sure to give her all the kisses instead of me; my mother loved Aaliyah with all her heart and in her mind was the most innocent child to ever walk this earth. Next, she led us inside and I sent Aaliyah upstairs to change into an old pair of pants from my room and the necessary needs for her period.

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