"Those guys are such asssholes, i don't understand why Jungkook still hangs out with them." Seokjin mumbled as he played with his boyfriend's fingers. His back was against Hoseok's chest as they sat in the storage room, the confined space completely abandoned by the school staff and now used as the couple's meeting spot whenever they skipped school.
"I know babe, i think so too. The way they speak to that Park Jimin kid about his sexuality really makes me want to punch them to North Korea." Hoseok answered.
"I know...Is he even gay?" Seokjin answered, feeling Hoseok shrug behind him. "Sometimes i feel bad for him -Park Jimin i mean- he's always alone and never talks to anyone."
"We could go talk to him?" Hoseok said softly.
"I guess we could, but i just feel like he's the type of person who doesn't really do well with social interaction." Seokjin rolled his head back on the younger's shoulder, Hoseok turning his head slightly to press a soft kiss to Seokjin's cheek.
"yeah i see what you mean." mumbled over his skin.
There was a short silence, before the older spoke again, dreading the stillness of the air when neither of them spoke.
"Hey you know, i was thinking about this earlier, you know Kim Taehyung right? One of Jungkook's friends?" Seokjin said, turning around to face Hoseok, now straddling the younger.
"yeah." Hoseok nodded, his hands going to Seokjin's hips.
"Well, his brother is a bartender at an underground bar, and he said they were looking for a dance act, maybe they could hire you?" Seokjin said.
"Oh really?"
At the mention of dancing, Hoseok's eyes immediately lit up, all worries about Park Jimin and their serious conversation completely forgotten to leave a dazzling smile on his thin lips.
Just like that, their conversation had shifted, as if the wellbeing of their schoolmate was just as mundane as the weather outside or the day's lunch menu.
"Yah! Jimshit! You got the answers for the paper?" Asked Hanseol as he raised his chin, towering over Jimin.
The boy didn't answer, only gripping his notebook tighter against his chest and keeping his head low, not wanting to provoke the other though he was glaring pretty fiercely at his shoes.
He usually photocopied his homework and gave the copies to people who asked him for answers in order to never lose his own previous work. Though his printer was out of ink, so he hadn't been able to make the copies today, meaning that if he gave Hanseol his work, he would probably not get it back.
"Yah, Jimshit! i'm talking to you!" Said the boy, his words become more and more crude.
Jimin looked around discreetly, trying to see if anyone was around, but unfortunately. the small hallway was empty.
Even if there had been anyone, they probably wouldn't have done anything against two second years from the MCSC, but maybe they would have toned their anger down just slightly to not tarnish their reputation too much.
He sighed, knowing well what was to come.
"I'm getting a little fed up with you, you know." Hanseol barked, shoving Jimin slightly, making the boy's body hit the lockers loudly, and painfully.
He grabbed a fistfull of Jimin's long hair, yanking his head backwards for the boys' eyes to meet.
"You never listen." Hanseol said, before throwing a punch into Jimin's face. He tilted it up just in the right moment for it to hit his jaw and not risk injuring his teeth, jerking his head to the side, following the punch as to soften it ever so slightly.
"Stop being so snobby, and answer us. My god haven't we shown you it's best for you to just listen!" His words were harsh, but also had a hint of tired frustration as his hand flew to flick the side of Jimin's head.
Jimin hid his eyes behind his hair, biting at his lip and doing his best not to look up and meet the other's gaze.
His insides were on fire, thoughts jambling in his mind. His ears were ringing loudly, cries, yells, hits and please echoing through them. He clenched his fists, trying to regulate his breathing and think of flowers and puppies as his therapist had instructed him to.
Hanseol grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around to grab his bag and rip it off his shoulders.
Jimin only watched as he opened it and shook it upside down to empty all of it's content onto the floor. His water bottle hit the ground loudly, the lid somehow coming off and spilling water over his notebooks. Jimin wondered what he'd done to upset the gods and earn him this amount of karma, but he had a few answers he could think of.
Hanseol let out a small snicker, retrieving the said paper from the stash of wetted paper, before kicking into the mess and walking off with a wide smile and a wave of his hand.
"Thanks nerd! See you in class."
After hearing footsteps walking away and a curse word thrown at his face, Jimin sighed again, still trying to calm himself. But the flowers, puppies and rainbows weren't enough to rid his body of all the pent up anger and he abruptly turned around and threw a strong punch into the beige lockers behind him.
He cursed, drawing his hand back and shaking it forcefully to try and relieve the pain, looking at the dent he had made in the metal. Dread filled him as he quickly shook his head both sides frantically to make sure no one had seen him deterior the already worn out lockers.
His hand was slightly red, and one of his knuckles had a very small rip in his skin, only a small scratch and a few drops of blood going down his middle finger.
He quickly wiped it away with his other hand and hid his knuckles in his sweater, falling down to his knees to collect his damp things and walking away hurriedly.
The footsteps were faster and louder than usual as he reach his locker, getting his things and taking the time to take the small pouch that always stayed in the back of his locker. Opening the zipper, he took out a bottle of anticeptant, spraying some on his wound and on his hands to clean it up quickly, not bothering with bandaids in such a place, knowing from experience it would surely fall off within the next hour.
He noticed a few loud chatters and laugh coming from a large group of boys, all surrounding Jeon Jungkook.
The boy had been in Jimin's class for the past few months and honesty, Jimin pitied him.
The boy was constantly surrounded by people (mostly jerks), and rumors. He turned heads wherever he went, got along well with pretty much all of the school's bullies yet never seemed to get into trouble of his own.
It must be hard for him to always be the centre of attention...
Jimin quickly shook off the memories that started to cloud his mind and looked away, getting his things in his locker, only bringing a pen and a dry notepad he could take notes in as his usual notebooks dried.
He heard his name being said a few times in the boys' conversation, but didn't think much of it as he just continued to his class, wanting to be early in order to redo his paper.
hey guys!
I'm in a super good mood, because today were the 100 senior days of my school.It's basically a school tradition on the day that starts the last 100 days of high school. All the seniors wear costumes and come to school earlier to wait at the entrance with water guns, shaving cream, gel and hair colouring and fuck up all the other students who try to come in.
I would put some shaving cream in the palm of my hand and bitch slap people (gently) in their face or in their necks to coat then with it.
Then we went to the parking lot near my school and played musical chairs (I was in the top 3) and baseball when all the other grades where in class.
To finish it off with a cherry on top, we had a barbecue with all the seniors and hung out in the yard.
Today was fire. Does your school/ college/ university/ workplace(?) have any traditions?

FanficIn which Jeon Jungkook, captain of the Multi Combat Sports Club, realises Park Jimin, the school's nerd, isn't actually the weak push over everyone else thinks he is.