Your dad gets picked up finally!

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Request for FearlessWriting

Two weeks go by and Tony calls you and let's you know he is picking up your dad today so you Mandy and Mickey can go to the house because your mom hasn't been home in a few days so she has already left town as you and lip go over to the house to do some repairs so tomorrow you Mandy and Mickey can come home as lip took today off from the garage to help you, V and Kevin are going to come by late on and help too and Tony and Fiona will be over tomorrow to help too, as you and lip arrive at the house and you walk in and you shake your head, it's not going to be a overnight process to fix it up but at least you three can sleep in the beds.

As you go in the rooms and get all the covers and put them in the washer while lip starts some repairs in the Living-room and the hallway too, as you then grab some bags and start throwing some stuff away. Working in the main room first then going to Mandy's then Mickey's. After a few minutes later you finish the main room, you need to order a new bed for your parents old room, or maybe you can buy the one you use at Kevin and V's house from them,you move into Mandy's room and clean hers up as lip comes in and let's you know the door is fixed as you turn around and smile at him as he helps you with Mandy's room, he knows your old room is now a storage room but that will change you three will need a quest room but that one can be tooking care of in a few days.

As you finish Mandy's room as you go into Mickey's room and cleans it with lips help, then you will work on the bathroom while lip goes and gets Mandy, Mickey and Ian from school both Debbie and Carl are staying after school today and Fiona is going to bring Liam over before she goes to work, as Kevin and V are going to bring dinner over tonight because you are going to be working late tonight on the house because the social worker will be over in two days to see if it's in better shape with you living there instead of your parents.

You will let Carl take the mattress from your parents old room and your new one and burn it, you got to go buy a couch and two recliners for the Living-room but that will come after the first check comes in in a few weeks so you will cover both recliners and couch with some sheets, you will watch some and fix it up until you three get some money, you got to take Mandy to the hospital in a week to get her adopting and V is going to bring the vacuum cleaner and carpet cleaner from the hotel she works at so you can clean deeper tomorrow morning, you love each one of them, you love Kevin and V for taking you in the last few years, Fiona for being an amazing person, the younger kids because they have kept you grounded and last but not least lip for Being an amazing friend then boyfriend now. A few minutes go by and Ian, Mickey and Mandy come in with lip right behind them as Mandy and Mickey are shocked how much you and lip got done already, you let Mandy and Mickey know their rooms are clean and they have to stay that way because the social worker will be visiting every so often to check in on all of us, as they smile and head off to find their rooms Are clean and they look amazing, as Mandy comes out and says "Shasta your taking Mom and Dad's room when we move in right? As you nod your head "yep I am why Mandy? As she smiles "just making sure you all be in control of us and the house for at least two more years for us both" as you nod "yep a year for Mickey and two for you" as lip smiles And you go into the kitchen and start to work on that as Ian Mickey and Mandy seat down on the floor and start on their homework, as Fiona brings Liam and head to work at the restaurant, she reminds you that her and Tony will come by tomorrow some time as you nod your head and she heads off to work as lip comes in and grabs Liam from your arms and you continue to clean up as he Carry's Liam out to the Living-room and seats him down next to Ian, Mickey and Mandy working on homework on the table as Mandy picks Liam up and puts him on her lap as she finishes her homework before Ian or Mickey.

A few minutes go by and both Carl and Debbie come in because their done with their after school program and Mrs. Jackson picked them up, as you don't mind Mrs Jackson aka Karan's mom but she is a sweet older lady, as you finish up the kitchen when Kevin and V come over with supper and your tools for cleaning the house for the social worker you and the kids got to keep in contact with them down the road as you hug them both and you all eat dinner together in the Living-room as lip wraps his arms around and you watch everyone seating around and chatting with one another. As Lip kisses your forehead and you two relax and it got tooking care of it, as Liam seats down in front of you and lip as you giggle and lift him up and put him on your lap as Kevin says if you need anything just let him know and he will hook you up, as you giggle and smile at him as lip laughs and you all have a nice dinner together in the Living-room, you know Mandy will go back with Kevin and V Tonight and Mickey is with Ian but you got to work on cleaning the house more so lip will take the kids home and get them in bed before he comes back and helps you with the cleaning for a few more hours, you are truly blessed to have all this people who care for you and will help in the blink of a eye, they are family no matter what and you love them all.

To be continued in a few days !!!!!

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