Karan and Tammi start trouble!

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Request for FearlessWriting

You are with Liam, Carl and Debbie until Fiona returns home from her meeting and you are outside of the Gallagher's house smoking a cigarette when you look up and down the street to see Karan and Tammi walking towards the house as you giggle you know they are up to no good, and right now you aren't in the mood for their drama especially since lip wore you out last night and this morning he is really a beast in the bed and he is yours and you are his.

You seat down on the chair outside and a few minutes go by and lip arrives home from work, as he smiles at you as he walks over to you and leans over and kisses you on the lips, as he pulls back and sees Karan and Tammi across the street looking so he gives them the middle finger as they run off all mad as you giggle at him as he pulls you into the house, he got paid today and is taking everyone out for burgers and fries at the cafe in town, you all just have to wait until Steve arrives then you all can go, Steve call him earlier before he left work and told lip he would be at the Gallagher's house in about an hour or so, so make sure everyone is ready to go out for dinner. Then you two will head over to Kevin and V's house for the night, Kevin and V will be home in two days so you and lip have two more nights together, and you two are going to take full advantage of this time together, you got a job interview coming up next week and you are crossing your fingers you get the job at the convenience store, you will work earlier mornings if you get it so you can help Fiona with the kids when she needs it.

You are laying down on lip's bed upstairs waiting for Steve to arrive so you all can go out for dinner together, you are wore out but you are going to go dinner with the family but then your heading home to Kevin and V's house and go to sleep with lip joining you, lip works tomorrow morning for a few hours for his boss then you two can hang out, maybe go to the park with Liam you got to watch Liam in the morning for Fiona who is working at the dinner for a few extra hours on the next paycheck, you don't mind watching Liam he is a good kid plus you are one of the few people who he trusts.

But tomorrow Karen and Tammi start some problems with you and it breaks you down quick, and when lip learns about this he sends Fiona and Mandy over to take care of them while he takes care of, Liam and Mickey don't leave your side until lip returns home from work, but right now it's you in lip bed, you are waiting for Steve to arrive here for dinner tonight on lip. As you close your eyes and the next thing you know it's time for you to get up and go to dinner with the family. As lip comes upstairs and wakes you up as he smirks at you "babygirl we will head to Kevin and V's place after dinner Alright but right now let's head into town and eat some good food from the cafe" as you nod your head and gets up as you both walk downstairs and join the others who are in the Living-room waiting on you two as lip pulls you towards the outside.

You all get in two cars before heading into the town and Cafe, as you two get in Steve car with him Fiona and Liam while Debbie and Ian and Carl in Mickey car, you are looking for to this dinner then heading home for a few hours of sleep, tomorrow morning you are going to watch Liam and Carl and Debbie for Fiona, you two head to the to Kevin and V's house for the night you need to study tomorrow afternoon but right now you two are in the bed at your place as lip wraps his arms around you as he kisses you on the forehead tomorrow he only has a few hours then he will join you at the house so you can study.

You fall asleep soon after as he smiles and kisses your neck lightly then falls asleep, next morning you both, you get up first and get ready as lip wakes up soon after and heads to the garage for a few hours as you go to the Gallagher's house to watch the kids for Fiona while she goes to work for few a hours. You are playing with Liam, Carl and Debbie In the Living-room when your phone rings so you answer it and you get a bad hear through from Karen and Tammi. You hang up and start to break down  on the couch, Carl and Debbie come up and hug you as Carl grabs the phone N checks the last call then calls lip at the garage and let's him know Karen and Tammi called you and got you upset as lip let's Carl know to just watch you until he gets home in a few hour, he is going to call Mandy and Fiona to go make a special trip to Karen's and Tammi's houses and put the fear of God in them to leave you alone or else then he will be home to calm down he just tells Carl and Debbie to just watch you until he gets home in a little bit of time, as he hangs up and calls your sister Mandy and Fiona and let's them what is going on and gives them the plan for Karan and Tammi as Mandy says they will scary them to death through as Fiona laughs and agrees with Mandy but they hang up, your sister is protective of you even though your her older sister. And she will go to bat for you just like all the Milkovich's or even the Gallagher's do for one another your guys families are really alike and that's why you all get along together, and are family.

I'll continue it in a few days 😊

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