Learning if it's a girl or boy!!!

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Request for FearlessWriting

The last couple weeks have been going well with your Pregnancy and you are in your bedroom while Mickey And Ian are his room and Mandy is away in her rehab as you are laying down on your bed when Mickey and Ian leave and let Lip in as Lip has you some Cherry's from the diner he knows you love them, so on his way home from the garage, he stopped by and got you some. You are reading a book when he walks in and smiles at you "got you some Cherry's from Pasty's diner on my way home from the garage" as you smile at him "thanks lip I appreciate it I was craving them today, come seat down with me he or she is moving around alot, like really active, they like it when I read but your voice is better then mine" as he laughs and moves on the bed before taking the book from you and starts to read the book to your baby bean in your belly.

Lip has been helping around the house and has been going with you to your appointments the last couple times tomorrow morning you got an appointment and he is going with you and then heading to the shop tomorrow you two will learn the gender of the baby, you say girl and lip says boy and whomever wins has to buy the fireworks for the fourth of July this year so everyone can celebrate, as he reads to the baby and then you relax on the bed with your hands on your growing belly as he looks at you and smiles he finds you completely sexy with your growing belly that is holding his children he knows he has alot of work to get back your trust after what happen with Mandy and he promises to win it back and he has been doing amazing things, he smiles when he sees you start to go to sleep, he says "babygirl we will finish up tomorrow night, you turn in and I'll see you in the morning for your appointment" as you grab his hand "don't go stay with me and our baby, Mandy is away at Rehab and Mickey is with Ian probably at your guys house I don't like being Alone" as he smiles and slides in the bed with you, "I'll do anything for you and our baby" as he smiles at you and pulls you on his chest and he kisses your forehead lightly.

You two relax together on the bed and fall asleep in each other's arms, next morning your up first in the bathroom and your shower as he run home to do the Same, you get ready then head downstairs to see Mickey At the table as he is cook breakfast he made muffins as you smile at him,

Lip should be here soon so you two can head to the clinic for your appointment, as you grab a muffin from the table and some milk from the refrigerator then lip comes in and smiles at you eating the muffin and drinking the milk as he says "you rea...

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Lip should be here soon so you two can head to the clinic for your appointment, as you grab a muffin from the table and some milk from the refrigerator then lip comes in and smiles at you eating the muffin and drinking the milk as he says "you ready to go" as you finish up the milk and and carry the muffin with you two as he grabs one too and you two head out as Mickey finish up cooking muffins then takes some down to EMTs that work with Ian.

Debbie is at the college, Carl is visiting his girlfriend Ash who is Kevin's sister in town at Kevin's bar she is moving in with Kevin and V this summer. Frank has both Liam and Franny with him at the house and you, Ian is at work and Mickey goes in for his job at the club he is a security guard as you two head to the clinic, you two arrive at the clinic and you sign in with the nurse and you two seat down and wait for the nurse to call your name so you two can go in and see your baby, and learn the gender too. Lips hand goes to your belly and he rubs it lightly. A few minutes go by and the nurse calls you back and you two head inside the room and as you two get in and you seat down on the table and she takes your blood pressure then let's you two know the doctor will be in a few minutes. As you giggle and lip learns over and kisses your belly and talks to the baby. A few minutes go by and the doctor comes in sets up the ultrasound machine to see your baby and see if it's a boy or girl.

He sets up and starts the test seeing the baby is growing well and he says "it's a little girl" as he points at the screen as you both look at him then the screen as you start to cry because it's a girl as lip laughs "I'm outnumbered now" as he will set up another appointment for a month time as he cleans you up then you all head out and you get your next appointment as you giggle and turn to lip "I win you got to buy the fireworks for the fourth of July" as he laughs and leans into your lips and kisses your lips slowly as you kiss back and he wraps his arms around you as you two kiss each other for a few minutes then you pull back and he looks at you "sorry I am so happy it's a girl I wanted a girl so she will be like her mom" as you giggle "it's alright I missed your kissing" as he laughs and you two separate and he heads to the shop and you head home for the rest of the day, you are going to help Frank with Franny and Liam after lunch, Fiona hasn't been around the last couple weeks she is working on herself then she said she would be back. But you and lip think she will not come back she got away.

To be continued!!!!!

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