You learn some news!!!

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Request for FearlessWriting

You went to the meeting with the social worker a few day ago and she is going to get someone to come over and get Mandy to go to some meetings for girls who was raped by their dad, as you have Liam today and you feel sick to your belly as you think you may be getting some flu but it's not that, your IUD broke and you are pregnant with lips child so late on today you take Liam to V and ask her to watch him while you go to your doctor, as she does and you head into town and to your doctor office to get check over and as soon as you get there you double over in pain so the nurse takes you right in and does a few test and learn your pregnant your IUD broke so they set up to remove it and make sure the baby is alright, as you look down and smile at your flat belly, even if you and lip don't work out you have a piece of him inside you.

As you come back to V and Kevin place to get Liam as V smiles "are you alright babygirl? As you nod your head "V I'm pregnant, but you can't tell no one me and lip are having problems, he has been seeing Mandy by my back And I just need time apart from him" as V nods her "you going to give me a grandbaby, I love you babygirl so much, and I promises to not say anything to no one until your ready, and I am going to kick lips ass for hurting you and knocking you up, that's why Mandy and him have been keeping there distance from each other" as you nod your head "he is trying to earn my trust back but now that I'm pregnant with his baby I will forgive him down the road because I don't want kid to not have their father in their lives" as v nods her head. As you giggle and head back to the Gallagher's house with Liam, you are staying there until Ian gets home from school then you got to go home and clean up because that person is coming by to talk to Mandy, as you get there and lip is outside smoking a cigarette as Liam laughs at him and lays his head on your shoulder as you walk past lip and into the house only for lip to stop you "I'm off I can watch Liam I know you got someone coming over from that meeting place to meet Mandy I remembered you saying that this morning" as you smile at him and hand him Liam over but before you do you kiss Liam's forehead and lip puts his cigarette out and grabs Liam as you head home, as lip Carry's Liam inside and says "Liam I messed up big time but I'm going to fix it, me and y/n will get married and give you cousins in a few years"

As V comes over and sees lip is home as she smirks and comes in the house and she is pissed off so she goes over to lip who has put Liam down in the floor as he turns around and says hi V only to get slap across the face hard as he grabs his cheek and says "what did I do Victoria? As she smirks at him, "you broke y/n heart Phillip, and you need to fix it now she is holding some important news from you" as lip nods his head and let's her know he is working on it but what are you hiding from him, that she just can't tell him" as V smirks at him not my place to tell you it's y/n news not mine I just know it's important" as lip nods his head and asks V to watch Liam while he goes to your place and try and fix this between you" as she nods her head and he leaves and heads across the street to your place, as he walks up the steps and goes to knock on the door but something catches his eye as he sees you in then living room cleaning up but your wearing a black dress that hugs you just Right as he sees a pattern your hand never leaves your belly as he smiles, he will knocks on then front door as you walk over and open it to see him standing there with his head down as you giggle at him "yes Philip what can I do for you? As he looks up V said your holding something from me so what is it ? As you Mumble damn Victoria, lip come in and I will tell you as he walks in and seat down on the couch.

You seat down next to him on the couch and take a deep breath and look at him "I'm pregnant, my IUD was mess up and they got it out and said im about 3 weeks along which means that night before you and Mandy was making out in my bed happen I got pregnant with your baby" as lip looks up at you and smiles "we are going to have a baby together in a few months time? As you nod your head, as he smirks at you and puts his hand on your belly and looks at you with his beautiful eyes, "omg that is amazing news, I know you haven't forgive me yet but I promise to be here for you and our baby through it all" as you giggle and he says "daddy loves you little Bean" as you smile at him as he lays his head down on your flat belly and talks to the baby, as you rub your fingers through his hair and he smirks at you "I'll finish cleaning up for that meeting for Mandy I'll call V and tell her to being Liam here, she knows who else does? As you smile at him "just you, her and Liam he was there when I told V, I'm not ready to tell anyone else just yet" as he smiles at you.

To be continued in a few days!!!!!

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