building your friendship back up with lip!!!!

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Request for FearlessWriting

Later on that night you went inside to get some water and lip follow you in, he isn't going to leave your side while you are there in the Gallagher house hold, he missed you and wants to work on your friendship.

You are fine with building your friendship with him back as he wraps his arms around you and lays his head on your shoulder as you get your glass of water, you giggle at him being this touching with you it's actually really nice, you love lip but you don't know he feels the same way about you, but you two will both figure it out sooner than later. You turn around and wraps your arms around his neck and giggles, he moves his hands to your lower back before leaning towards you as you kiss his lips lightly it's not like you two haven't shared a kiss before hint hint, first kiss was shared between you two remember, as he kisses you more passionately and leans you against the countertop as his hands start on your lower back, the kiss is passionately as Liam runs in to get us because Fiona is back with the cake for you and Ian.

He says "cake y/n and bubba" as lip giggles into your mouth then pulls away from you and turns around and smiles at Liam, "we are coming Liam" as Liam runs back out, as lip grabs your hand and you two head backside for cake together. He holds your hand under the table as Mickey and Mandy start to leave the party, Ian wants Mickey to stay and he will but he has to walk Mandy home then he will be back, as lip mumbles "Awesome I will not sleeping tonight then" as you giggle and lean towards his ear letting him know he can crash with you at Veronica and Kevin's house if he wants as he smiles.

Veronica and Kevin are heading home now, you two can head over later on, he pulls you into his chest and before long he pulls out his smokes and you two share it one, it's not a normal smoke it's weed as he knows how you get after one or two, as kisses your forehead and you two hang outside with Fiona and Steve until Mickey returns to stay with Ian, lip is going to head upstairs to get a few things then you two can head over to Veronica and Kevin's house for the night.

Fiona smiles at you because she knows about your feelings towards lip and vise versa with his and she wants you two to finally admitted them to each other and get together, she knows you two are meant to be together since the start. As you smile at her and Steve before lip returns with his stuff so you two can head to Veronica and Kevin's house as soon as he back his arm goes around you and you two leave for the night.

To be continued in a few days!!!!!

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