lunch with Lip and Liam!

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You three made it to pasty and go in Fiona is working on the menu when you three come in and smiles at Liam then you and Lip. She points to one of her tables as you giggle and nod your head as you three head to her table and seat down at the table, she comes over.

She's takes your guys order, you and lip order a burger and fries with two Coca-Cola, as for Liam you order him some Mac and cheese and him a small Sprite, as Fiona goes and put the order in as Liam lays his head on your shoulder as lip laughs across the table, you smile at Liam then over at lip as lip smiles at you with Liam and hopes one day in the future you two have babies together. You shake your hand in front of lip who is in a stare, as Liam laughs at him "bubba is days dreaming, probably about you two Y/N" as lip final comes back to reality "so funny Liam but your right im dreaming about Y/N giving you cousins" as you look at him shocked.

As he smiles at you, as Liam laughs and Fiona comes back with your guys food, as Liam smiles at her and lip grabs his Mac and cheese and starts to blow on it for Liam as you giggle at him and you know deep down he is going to be amazing Dad and you hope he is the daddy to you kids in the future. As you give Liam some Sprite as lip hands Liam his Mac and cheese before grabbing his burger and digs in as lip winks at you as you eat on your fries. He watches you close as you eat your fries N it turns him on as you help Liam with his Mac and cheese.

He can't get the image out of his head of you taking care of your guys baby in the future, as he eats some of his fries, you all eat up then you go up to pay for it as Fiona asks you if you and lip are finally together? As you giggle "no not yet but he is acting weird like he wants to, but your going to give in eventually, you want him as your boyfriend and you know the feeling is mutual for him so you two can be a couple" as Fiona smiles and pats your back and you head back over to the table and joins lips and Liam. You all head out, lip grabs Liam and you all head out and towards the house, Ian should be home so you N lip can watch A movie upstairs in his room while Ian watches Liam, giving you two some alone time together, you need to come clean about your feels towards lip and hopefully he can do the same.

To be continued in a few days!!!!

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